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Five in the Tarot Cards – Changing the Status Quo

Five in the Tarot Cards – Changing the Status Quo

The number Five changes the status quo that Four has created and solidified. When all that has manifested becomes stable, the energy will eventually stagnate. However, it is within the nature of Energy to keep on moving, to keep on evolving. Five gives the energy that opportunity! It breaks the structure of the Four, and brings in the necessary winds of change, as it were, to facilitate further growth and evolution. Today, let’s see how the energy of the number Five shows up across the Tarot Cards.


Four in the Tarot Cards – The Material Reality

Four in the Tarot Cards – The Material Reality

The number Four emerges when all that has been created needs to manifest into the real world. As the energies of the numbers One and Two combine with each other (Singularity combining with Duality), we see the number Three express itself (Creative Expression) in the Universe. The next step, of course, is to stabilize that Creative Expression. Today, let’s look at how this energy of the number Four expresses itself across our Tarot Cards.


Tarot to Cope With Quarantine Anxiety

Tarot to Cope With Quarantine Anxiety

Quarantine: the new normal that no one saw coming. Each day there are new reports of COVID-19 spreading, economic collapse, and civil unrest. This is an immensely stressful time to be living through. It’s tough when there are no quick solutions to these problems and great uncertainty about what life will look like after the pandemic.


Three in the Tarot Cards – Trinity of Creation

Three in the Tarot Cards – Trinity of Creation

The number Three manifests when the singular Unity of One combines with the powerful Duality of Two. The number Three is an expression of the creative power of Life itself! Symbolically expressed as an upward-pointing triangle, you will see all sorts of Trinities across the various cultures in the world that have been associated with multiple levels of sanctity. Today, let’s look at the way the number Three is described by Numerology, and how it shows up in our Tarot Cards.


Two in the Tarot Cards – Duality Manifested

Two in the Tarot Cards – Duality Manifested

The number Two is the manifestation of Duality that has been inherently expressed within our world. This duality is a part of every aspect of life itself — day and night, black and white, good and bad, negative and positive. Duality is an integral part of the world we live in. Today, let us discover how this built-in Duality is also an important aspect of Tarot Card imagery.


One in the Tarot Cards – Singular Manifest Creative Energy

One in the Tarot Cards – Singular Manifest Creative Energy

The number One is the numerical expression of singular manifest energy. All numbers are multiples of the number One — and thus contain this energy in multiples. The role played by the number One in the Tarot Cards is very important. Today, let us explore the various meanings of the number One, and how those meanings add value to the meanings of the Tarot Cards where it appears.


Zero – The Endless Possibilities

Zero – The Endless Possibilities

All Tarot Cards (except for the Court Cards) have numbers on them. Among them, only one card has the number Zero — The Fool. Today, let’s see how the energy of Zero is expressed in the imagery of The Fool card, and how the imagery of The Fool card expresses the energy of Zero.
