Boundaries: putting them up, getting rid of them, establishing them in our lives and relationships, respecting them, crossing them, maintaining them, and so on…

In our everyday lives, we live and deal with boundaries of all kinds all of the time. And of course, our Tarot Cards also have a lot to say about Boundaries.

personal space - personal space

Boundaries: Why They Are Important

The concept of personal space has started to gain ground as our lives have started to become busier and crowded. We all need space to breathe, and to be at ease — with our own self, with everyone and everything around us. Our personal space becomes a vital life force, a source of quiet and peace, for all of us in the midst of the crazy madness of our busy life.

Especially for people who are introverts, this personal space is also a great source of rejuvenation and a way to remain sane and recharged. ?

So, before we go ahead and talk about how our Tarot Cards can help us figure things out, let’s take a look at how the concept of Boundaries has been depicted within the various images of the Tarot Cards.

Video: Boundaries as Expressed in the Tarot Cards

Now that we’ve seen the cards that express the concept of Boundaries in various different ways, let’s see how we can go about asking the cards for their help and guidance.

Establishing Boundaries in Our Lives

Establishing boundaries in our lives can help us define a space (not literally, but figuratively) where we can feel comfortable enough to be ourselves even as we interact with the rest of the world. We can define the amount of interaction we are all right with, and we can define the depth of that interaction as well.

The best way to understand your comfort zones is to be in a ‘witness mode’ while you spend time with people so that you can see how much and how far you are ok with the intrusiveness (for want of a better word) of the interaction.

Option 1: At this point, you can either choose a card (from among the cards in the video) that appealed to you as a representative of the kind of boundaries you want to aim for, or,

Option 2: You can just shuffle the deck, and ask the cards for guidance regarding the establishing of your personal boundaries, and then pull a card (or as many as you are called to pull) and see what guidance they have to offer.

friends coffee - friends coffee

?? Of course, make sure that you note everything down in your Journal, so you have a record of your immediate thoughts and impressions.

Testing and Maintaining and Adjusting Your Boundaries

Once established, boundaries will always be tested. Plus you will have to work at maintaining them. And most of all, as your requirements and interactions change, you may occasionally want to to adjust the boundaries that you’ve set in place.

This is a very natural process since I feel that a boundary can’t be a hard and fast, inflexible thing. Different set of people and circumstances call for a different sort of boundary to come into play. This also means your boundaries need to be flexible.

For example, you may feel more comfortable sharing details of your personal life with one of your friends, as compared to a colleague from your office. Your boundaries will differ from person to person, and even topic to topic, and also on how your relationships with these people alter over time.

In short, there are many permutations and combinations which will always keep affecting the extent of the boundaries that you’ve established. Testing these boundaries, maintaining them and adjusting them, will therefore be another important and ongoing aspect that you will need to consider.

At each point in time when you feel like you need more guidance, more information, or even some inputs to help you make your decisions, you can totally reach for your Tarot Cards. Like before, you can pre-choose a card and meditate + journal about it, or you can simply shuffle the deck and pull out as many cards as you want to / feel like to see the message from the Universe. ?? Of course, I will remind you (again!) to write it down in your journal right away so you don’t forget your first impressions and thoughts.

Video: Boundaries – The Spread

Here’s a video I made where I ask the Tarot Cards for guidance — both for the viewers of my video / You Tube Channel, and for myself as well.

I explore the basic questions about Boundaries in this spread:

  1. What are Boundaries?
  2. What can be done to set balanced Boundaries?
  3. What can hinder this process?
  4. Any additional guidance

However, don’t feel limited by these questions / spread positions. You can add or change or remove the questions that feel more relevant to your specific situation(s), and see the answers that come through.

No matter what, remember to journal your readings! ??

A Bit About Choosing + Meditating + Journaling Your Card

Before I wrap up, let me talk (write ?) a little bit about the method that I’ve mentioned above that involves choosing a card and meditating + journaling with / about it.

choose the right direction - choose the right directionWhen you choose a card to represent your specific feelings about a situation (in this case, Boundaries), it indicates that either you are very aware of what you need to do, or you have decided in advance what you want to do. Both approaches are great because it shows a clarity of thinking and purpose.

So what can you do once you choose a card? Here’s a method I follow. You can try it, or you can totally modify it to suit your style. ?

  1. Write about whether you chose the card because you were aware that you needed to bring this energy into your life, or because you have consciously decided to bring that energy into your life.
  2. Talk about the card meaning and the imagery and how it conveys the energy that you want to bring into your life.
  3. Find a calm and quiet space, and do the meditation which involves ‘Entering’ the Tarot Card image.
  4. Note down your impressions and thoughts, and wisdom and guidance from that meditation.

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  1. If you don’t have the time for doing a big meditation exercise, no worries. Just carry the card with you in your purse or wallet, or take a picture of that card with you and maybe set it as your phone wallpaper. That way you will have the image of that card in front of your eyes at all times.
  2. Keep noting down / recording the various impressions and thoughts that pop up in your head as the image speaks to you through the day(s).

Basically, the idea is to choose the kind of energy you want to manifest into your environment, and the imagery of the Tarot Card that you’ve chosen becomes a means through which the thought processes and neural pathways form and strengthen — both consciously and subconsciously.

journaling - journaling

Writing it down in the journal serves two purposes:

  1. You immediately record your first impressions and thoughts, and,
  2. It helps you in the conscious process of establishing the desired outcome.

Your Turn

What are your thoughts about the concept of Boundaries? Is there a specific Tarot Card that spoke to you and conveyed the kind of boundaries that you’d like to create or already have in place? Is there any card that I’ve missed talking about in the first video? Do you have anything to add to the interpretations in the second video? Or maybe more suggestions to improve the process? No matter what it may be, drop me a line in the comments section below, and lets get talking…