Creative Visualization with the Tarot Cards

First off, let me apologize for writing a post after such a long time….

Lately, the world’s been buzzing about with books and videos related to creative visualization and manifestation of your desires. All this has taken off especially after ‘The Secret’ came out in the market. And now the sequel to the book has also come out (titled ‘Law of Attraction’) and it is creating quite a buzz too….

Let me start by telling you all that the video of ‘The Secret’ was one of the most amazing videos I have seen in a verrry long time…

So, back to the post….I have been experimenting with Creative Visualization and Manifestation for quite some time now. Back when I began experiencing these moments, I didn’t have these nice names for it – it began as a process of simply making a wish, and seeing it come true in front of your eyes. Of course, back then, I felt as if something tremendously magical was happening to me…Now I know that it is still magical, but there is a process and so forth to it…the video simply seemed to put things in the right perspective for me….

So, how can you use the Tarot cards for this process of Creative Visualization? There is a very simple process quite like a meditation with the card. Here is how it goes…

Choose a card which resonates with what your wish, and your desire is. Hold it in your hand. Watch the card closely and close your eyes. Try to recreate the image of that card in front of your closed eyes. Open your eyes after some time, and see if you got all the details correct. And then close your eyes again. Now visualize that these details from the card are actually manifesting or happening all around you. It is almost as if the card is materializing all around you. Stay in that image / visualization for as long as it takes for you to feel right at home in it. Then, slowly imagine that the elements of that card are dissolving in the reality around you, and that the energy of those elements is now getting transformed into your desired outcome (which has to be in resonance with the card you have chosen, of course). And then slowly open your eyes…

If you want to, you can even choose 2 or more cards if you want a certain situation to manifest. But for a start, you can choose just one card, and then work your way up to more.

However, a few words of caution / wisdom here: Choose something which is in alignment with the forces of Nature, and make sure you follow the ‘Harm None’ philosophy. Otherwise your manifestations could just bombard you in a way you may have not imagined it and things can end up going crazily out of control for you….

So, I leave you with the card I am going to meditate with for now…20_Major_Judgement















Card from Osho Zen Tarot Deck.                       Card from Rider-Waite-Smith Deck.

So, which card would you be meditating on?


The Large Hadron Collider has been in the news lately for all sorts of reasons. So, today, I decided to have a look at the Wikipedia page about it here. Fascinating read!

To be honest, all the technical stuff kinda went over my head (yeah, well, that’s why I am no scientist!) – But then the ‘Purpose’ section of the Wikipedia page made me stop, think and wonder. Apparently, among other things, this machine will help Mankind understand so many different concepts and theories – all relating to the creation of the Universe itself!

All the people, especially those from the scientific community are obviously very excited about this – and of course there are those doomsayers who think that this experiment may pose a danger to the world itself.


The one word that has inspired many books, concepts, theories, ideas, philosophies, myths and even religions – why are we so curious (often to the point of being obsessive) about how things began?

What does any person think that the beginning of anything will really reveal?

How does the BEGINNING of anything make any difference to what that thing IS NOW – or for that matter how it ENDS?

An interesting thought – considering that everything that ends must have begun somewhere and unless it begins, it simply cannot end. But it is sure that creation and destruction are both, equally inevitable parts of every single thing that IS.

In Hindu Mythology, there are 3 Gods who are associated with these different aspects of existing – Brahma is the Creator, Vishnu is the Protector, and Shiva is the Destructor. These 3 Gods form a Trinity, to keep everything going. And as per the Divine plan, everything begins remains and ends – apparently all at the same time – simultaneously.

Will knowing how the Earth or even the Universe began really make so much of a difference to Mankind – or is he just satisfying his innate inherent curiosity – and that’s all there is to it?

Or is Mankind waiting for some kind of a revelation to happen at the end of this discovery?

What does Man hope to gain from finding out how it all began? Is it a quest for Glory? Or is it for attaining the honor of becoming a God?

Will that satisfy the thirst?

When we find the Beginning will the search End?

You know what I think: I think that we all exist because of our will to exist and if that will went away, then everything will cease to exist.

It reminds me of something I saw when I meditated once: I had been sitting for some time watching the darkness in front of my eyes and feeling the tingling in my body. And then in the darkness there was a voice that asked: ‘Who Am I?’ And so a blue dot began to take form in that darkness – and it grew and it grew till it covered everything. It was all water, I think, rippling and flowing – and it was almost as if the question had stirred up echoes of reverberations all inside it and on the surface of it. And when each part of that flowing liquid resonated and asked the same question, the cacophony of sounds grew and grew till the whole thing exploded because of the sound. All those particles – each and every one of them – wanted to find out, individually (of course!), who they were! And they all began to move around and began to take shape and form – trying to find their identity in this and that – trying to find out whether this was who they were or that was who they were. They changed their shape and size and form and design – but the answer still eluded them. So they kept on going and going – because each shape and size and form and design – gave them no way, no method and no means of reaching any satisfactory conclusion. The more they changed, the more they began to become more confused about who they were. Soon it came to a point that they even began to forget what the question was in the first place. And it became commonplace for them to keep on changing their form from one thing to the next – completing a life-cycle every single time. And soon, the world (as we know it), began to take form. And then these particles began to become trees and birds and animals and then human beings. They liked becoming human beings – because they could now find several means of expressing their ideas, their thoughts, their concepts and their new questions. So they continued to remain more and more in this human form – they somehow thought that it was the most superior form that they had ever achieved. They were pleased with themselves. But then again, they realized that this form was not quite satisfactory too. Meanwhile, a few among them began to look deeper and probe more and more within themselves. They began to ask more and more questions. All these questions were about the same thing – how did it all begin? And the most important question of all – who were they? And so it all came full circle – and Mankind was besieged by this question – ‘Who Am I?’ Some of them have been able to ‘crack the code’ as it were – and then they supposedly merged with the Supreme. In my meditation, I saw that some of these became glowing blue dots and then some of them, the rare ones, just simply disappeared and started to form the darkness all over again.

And one day, it all went back to becoming the glowing blue dots, and then found its way back to the darkness – of course, only till the next time that a voice asks, yet again: ‘Who Am I?’

And as I moved far away from this, I saw that there were many such blue globes floating around in this darkness – each and every single one of them in different stages of this process. And each particle within each globe asking the same question: ‘Who Am I?’

Creation, Preservation, Destruction – all of them carry within them the seeds of the other. Everything came from the darkness and will go back there to rise once again – in the endless search for the elusive answer.

And this is not the first time this story has occurred. It has happened again and again and will keep on happening for ever.

Nothing is Everything and Everything is Nothing. Everything comes from Nothing – Nothing creates Everything. And then Everything turns into Nothing.

As I came out of this meditation, I realized that either of two things could be possible: that I had a really fantastic imagination (yeah, well…) and that what I saw was REAL.

So I decided that it was really great to JUST BE and ENJOY THE HERE AND NOW and stop chasing the elusive answer. Perhaps that is just the answer.


Reminds you about the symbolism of the Number Zero [ 0 ] – The Fool Card and The World Card – both merged together – doesn’t it!

I want to make money – Is that ‘BAD’?

In our world – which is full of so much psycho-babble and spiritual what-nots – this is one question that always manages to rear its ugly head in the minds of people like me – especially when one is on a certain spiritual path. So I am going to venture out and pen down a few of my thoughts about this topic. And of course, I am going to take the help of some wonderful Tarot card imagery to do so… 🙂

In the world where we live – we need money to buy the things we need for our basic survival – such as food, clothing, shelter, Internet etc. We need to pay our bills and since the barter system has become obsolete, money is the best manner of purchasing what we want.

Since the need for having money has firmly been established as one of the essentials of living in today’s world, it is reasonable to want a certain amount of money in order to live.

However, what needs to be addressed is a situation when this desire becomes overwhelming enough for a person to be ruled by that desire. I have seen people become obsessive about the amount of money they earn, or spend, or don’t spend or even save! Really, how much money is too much money?

Economics tells me that ‘wants are unlimited’. In short, no amount of money is ever going to ‘feel’ enough. So let us look at what some of the cards in the Tarot deck have to say about money and wanting money…

The first picture from the Robin Wood deck shows a couple pulling at what seems like a treasure chest full of money. But both of them are pulling it in opposite directions. It seems as if they have found a way out of a dark place – but then the chest seems to be bound by chains and both of them are at cross-purposes. The next image from the Druidcraft deck shows a man locking away his money in a big chest. And the third image from the Universal Waite deck shows a man who is hugging his money to his chest – he also has a coin on his head and two coins each, below his feet.

All these images show the situation of what happens when you cross the invisible line between wanting money to buy you things that make you happy and wanting money because you never seem to have enough.

Well, to be honest, wanting to make money is not a bad thing. That is the bottom line. But then, wanting money above all else – well, that is a sure-fire way to take you down in that dark place (like in the Robin-Wood deck) where you are going crazy to take something but you are fighting your inner self and others to do so. It is also not a good thing to keep the money so close to your self that you cannot see, think or be anything beyond or without it (like in the Druidcraft and Universal Waite deck images).

The thing that we must understand is that money helps us buy the things we want or need, so that our lives can be better, and that we can live comfortably well. Saving money is not a bad deal either – because in that manner we ensure that we have something for that ‘rainy day’ or for our ‘old age’. But, at the end of the day, one must not get so carried away by it.

The way is not the destination. Money is the way to buy the things – money is most certainly not the aim of life. Money is used to buy things – don’t let money buy you!

So, to answer the question: wanting to make money is not ‘BAD’ – but thinking that money will solve all your problems, is most certainly an unwanted approach towards it.

Meanwhile, here are some interesting tidbits for you to chew on:

The Wikipedia Page on Money states:

Money is anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts. The main uses of money are as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value.

The article also goes on to state: 

The word ‘money’ is believed to originate from a temple of Hera, located on Capitoline, one of Rome’s seven hills. In the ancient world, Hera was often associated with money. The temple of Juno Moneta at Rome was the place where the mint of Ancient Rome was located. “Juno” etymology may derives from the Etruscan goddess Uni_(mythology) (which means “the one”, “unique”, “unit”, “union”, “united”) and “Moneta” either from the Latin word “monere” (remind, warn, or instruct) or the Greek word “moneres” (alone, unique).

Interesting, isn’t it?

What The Devil?

This is a post that I feel deserves to appear on both my blogs for the simple reason that it is something about my life, and also something about Tarot. And both are integral parts of me.

This post is about the Devil.

First a little background to why this post sprung up. It is essential. I was surfing the net as I am wont to do when I don’t have anything better to do. Just ended up on Yahoo! Answers and put in “Tarot” in the ‘Search’ box and hit enter. Just to see what comes up, you know. Then stuff began to pop up which began to make me wonder.

Tarot is recently gaining quite an amount of popularity in India on account of a Tarot reader (I really don’t know who) who came on to a cricket match show and predicted the outcome of the game. Soon enough, we had a bunch of Tarot readers on the popular news channels and newspapers giving out advice and daily/weekly predictions for each sign. And then we have “Tarot Readers” springing up all over the place, teachers teaching Tarot all over the country and so on and so forth.

Like every other method of ‘fortune-telling’ this one also has its bad apples, and its materialists. For me Tarot became something else altogether. I admit it began as a ‘fortune-telling’ medium, but as I studied and as I came closer to the meanings of the cards, it became much more than just that for me. Tarot cards became the lamps lighting my way on my spiritual path, guiding me.

Of course, I have to point out here, that being a Hindu, I have not much of an idea about Christian concepts and ideologies. However, the Tarot was full of them. So I ended up doing a bit of research. Since I have had a fascination of mythology and the concept of ‘story creation’ as a base of myth, I had some idea about Greek, Roman, Egyptian and of course, Hindu mythology. I never knew that reading up on all this would one day culminate into Tarot so simply.

So when I saw all the people on the site condemning Tarot for being ‘the work of the Devil’ and all those who practiced Tarot were supposed to be ‘the Devil’s disciples’ and so on, I began to wonder. Luckily, in India, which is primarily a Hindu nation, perhaps this drivel won’t filter down. Perhaps, that is why I am able to see this without prejudice and without any pre-conceived ideas. Who knows?

I have met a couple of Christians in my time: a guy who won’t read ‘The Da Vinci Code’ for example (it’s just a book for crying out loud! And it says ‘Fiction” very clearly on the cover!) and this woman who told me that we all were ‘born in sin!’. So yeah! In my experience, I find these people a bit, well, cuckoo! Oh yeah, and yesterday I ended up watching ‘Carrie’ on MGM. 😀 LOL 😀

So who the heck is this Devil guy anyway? I know that there is a Devil card in the Tarot. Of course, I kinda had a personal interest in him because in the Tarot this card of the Major Arcana also stands for the sign Capricorn. And according to my date of birth, I am a Capricorn. So you see I had to know more. So I googled the Devil. Heeheehee. A lot of sites turned up. The list of what all I had to read through is given at the end of this post. If anyone is interested in some further reading…

So the Christian Bible, the Islamic Quran and the Jewish Bible have got this Devil character figuring in there. Apparently, he was one of the angels that God had created. When Man was created, God asked these angels to bow before his creation. But this fella refused to do so because he preferred to bow down only in front of God. So God became angry with him and cast him out of Heaven. (!!!???!!!) And then when Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden, this Devil in the form of a snake convinced Eve that she ought to eat this fruit from this ‘Tree of Knowledge’ so that she would be as knowledgeable as God. Not only did she eat this fruit, but she also gave it to Adam, who also ate it. After that these two (Adam and Eve) ended up ‘knowing’ (what?). This was the ‘original sin’. And that is why all the descendants of Adam and Eve (that is all of us!) are ‘born in sin’.

Phew! I hope I got the gist right! If not, please do feel free to correct me if I have missed out on something.

There is a Tarot card showing something like this in a card called Lovers.


In this card we see Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Behind Adam is the Tree of Life (with its flame-like leaves) and behind Eve is the Tree of Knowledge (complete with the apples and the serpent). Adam looks on to Eve, who in turn is looking heavenwards, at the Angel blessing them both. This card means choices, relationships, love, divine inspiration and so on. But this picture conveys so much more than all that. The man and woman can reach bliss and thoughtlessness only when they are ‘with’ each other. This bliss is often referred to as a glimpse into an enlightened state of being. Towards this end, for the man this woman becomes the means to achieving this state. But then, it also says to me that the woman doesn’t need the man to get to this state. She is the womb and thus the Mother. She goes through these cycles of creation-able-ness every month. She instinctively knows what it is all about. She can get to this enlightened state of being simply through her own awareness of the movement of the cycles on a spiritual level. The man can also reach this state of bliss on his own. He, however, needs to do more work on raising his awareness levels and getting attuned to these cycles.

Methinks Mr. A.E. Waite was a feminist.

We have a whole bunch of people criticizing and condemning, not just Tarot but also other forms of divination. Now ‘divination’ means ‘A prediction uttered under divine inspiration’. Apparently the Bible condemns all this, and the people who do this ‘divinition’ are all witches and so on. But, as far as I can see from all the info about the Bible and Quran on the Net, the Bible and the Quran itself have a bunch of predictions and so on within them. Now what’s the deal with that?

Now don’t get me wrong. I am not against any religion. Really. I am just against the hypocrisy created by ‘organized religion’. My own religion is also included in this list. Any religion, when it becomes ‘organized’ becomes open to corruption. Either from within or without. This corruption becomes an essential part of this drama created by that religion. So then we have dogmas emerging, and we have rituals emerging and then we have strict enforcement of certain religious statements emerging. True debate over the concepts in that religion is suppressed. Each statement is easily open to debate and criticism. But that is suppressed. Each person within this religion is expected to follow the rules that are laid down. There is no place for rational thoughts and complete obedience is expected. And usually there is a Priest of some sort at the top of this hierarchy laying down these ‘laws’ based on the basic religious text of that religion.

But then, each religion does have its good points. As far as I know, there isn’t a single religion in the world that tells you to lie, cheat and steal. All religions tell you to be good, tell the truth and be kind to other people.

And yet, we have people killing each other in the name of a religion. We have people discriminating in the name of a religion. We have people hating each other in the name of a religion. Why?

Even in Hinduism, we had the caste system which created discrimination. Today, this kind of discrimination has been abolished by the law, but it still exists. This is the bit I don’t like about it myself.

There is a card in Tarot which represents this bit about ‘organized religion’. It is called ‘The Hierophant’. This card shows a Pope blessing two students and there are two keys at his feet. This card can stand for morality, society, religious initiation, systematic and orderly mode of study, and so on.


What I feel that this picture is trying to convey is that ‘organized religion’ need not be the barrier that it is made out to be. Religion and its study and practice need not be so ritualistic and dogmatic. For somewhere within the babble of this and that, lie the keys to your own realization. It’s just a question of how you end up using that knowledge and when and what you use it for. Within this card therefore, I see a very valuable paradox. This card is not quite what you see at first glance. Although, one must pass through certain strict processes to look within and understand the basic tenets of any religion, once one has the keys to that inner wisdom, one can still make a choice and use that knowledge well. Only those among the learned ones who feel the need for control go the way of fanaticism and those who truly understand the concepts use it for good deeds. The rituals are simply the means of getting attuned to that particular energy level. Most religions have them, one way or the other. These, I feel cannot be truly avoided or done away with. In fact, there exist a plethora of rituals because not one size fits all. To each his own. Even in that, every religion has given us some space.

So where does the Devil fit into all this? Yup, like I said before, we have a card called The Devil in the Tarot deck.


In this card, we see the two characters from the Lovers card chained to this block. But the chains are not tight about their necks. This funny looking person who has horns, bats wings, the upper body of a man and the lower body of some furry animal and claws of a bird for his feet is sitting on top of this block. He looks unhappy. In one hand he carries a flaming torch which he points downwards, right behind the backside of the man. And with the other he makes some sort of a ‘V” sign (remember Star Trek?) with his fingers. Also there is an inverted pentacle on this person’s head. Now, the man and the woman have also undergone some changes. They both have sprouted horns. The man has a tail with the end being a leaf from the Tree of Life and the woman has a tail with a bunch of grapes at the end. The landscape is darkness.

This card means to tell us to look within our inner darkness – this is the darkness of the soul. To see that the chains and shackles are of our own making. To understand that we should not be tied to the rituals and moral codes of living and knowing. That we should understand that these are the things within us that keep us locked into this darkness. The ritual does not mean attainment. That the moral code is just the way but not the answer. This card also ties into the materialistic outlook that people have about their life, which ends tying them down. Sometimes, to me, it talks of addiction, relationships and jobs that feel like chains and restrict your personal development and so on.

Perhaps, this is also a lesson to the Capricorn-people to come out of their materialistic attitude about life.

This funny looking person on top of the block is actually a synthesis of a whole bunch of pre-Christian deities such as Pan, and Cernunnos, and The Horned One. Each one of them had their own bunch of myths.

Here is a quote from the bit about Pan as to how the symbol for the sign of ‘Capricorn’ emerged:

The constellation Capricornus is often depicted as a sea-goat, a goat with a fish’s tail: see Aigaion or Briareos, one of the Hecatonchires. One myth that would seem to be invented to justify a connection of Pan with Capricorn says that when Aigipan, that is Pan in his goat-god aspect, was attacked by the monster Typhon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above the water remained a goat, but those under the water transformed into a fish.

And of course we have the pentacle being condemned for being a symbol of the Devil. When in fact, it is a symbol of all the five elements in Nature: Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Spirit. Upward pointing pentacles, to me signal that all these elements are being channeled into the spirit. Downward pointing pentacles signify that this spirit essence is being channeled within us.


Of course, the horror film industry has built this whole thing up into a vast money making business. And this added to the ideas of the masses that the pentacle was a sign of the Devil. I suppose, the Church also gave it some added impetus. And thus, the Pentacle became an ‘evil’ symbol. So tell me, where is this ‘evil’ in all the five elements of nature?

So now we come down to what it actually boils down to, for me.

This ‘Devil’ is nothing but the inner darkness that we all have to face from time to time. In Hinduism we have the concept of ‘Dvaita’ which means ‘Duality’. Within us exist both good and bad, black and white, yin and yang, male and female, positive and negative and so on. What we as human beings are challenged to face is the creation of a synthesis of all these aspects. Because that is essential for us to attain the state of being closer to an enlightened state of bliss. This is what we have to conquer within ourselves.

Without one, there is no other. If there would not have been ‘bad’ then we would not know what is ‘good’. Without white, black would be meaningless. The male and female principles have to unite to generate the act of creation. This duality is therefore essential to any kind of movement of the spirit.

So Tarot cards have got these principles and these secrets intertwined within them with the use of pictures and symbols. This so-called ‘secret knowledge’ is freely available for those who choose to know it within the Book of Tarot. The Tarot readers who understand this knowledge and incorporate this knowledge within their life, will find that they are part of a free and straightforward system of attaining that state of enlightened bliss. And their journey then begins.

Of course, it is not easy. No one said that it would be. But it is a beginning and as such, this process is fully comprised of looking within and creating and inner awareness and seeking out knowledge and so on. Thus, this system does not need any intermediaries between the reader and the universal consciousness.

It’s like a direct connection with the knowledge within oneself and within the universe. And the Tarot cards are just like the runway for the soul-aeroplane. They provide the place or the means for this jump or this connection to take place.

Perhaps this is why the Church opposes the Tarot cards. If everyone had such a connection, then these Churches would not be needed. And perhaps that is why they are called the work of the Devil. Because they are a straightforward means of getting the ‘knowledge’ – like eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge.

When I was a child, my grandmother always told me that if I had to stand against something or not like something, then I had to find out what it was all about in the first place before condemning it.

My suggestion to all the Tarot-haters of the world is that they find out what the cards are all about in the first place before they condemn it. Half knowledge is, in fact, a dangerous thing.

If one really sees the cards and their meanings for what they are, then one will understand that they don’t give out any ‘bad’ messages. (Of course, there is more to it than that as well, but that is for another post!)

And as far as the knowledge of the future events goes, all Tarot-ists will tell you that the future is something that isn’t hard and fast written on stone. It isn’t something that cannot be changed.

In fact, Tarot readings are meant to be a guidance for the future. They are meant to help the querents see how they can prepare themselves for the forthcoming events and to see how they can use their ‘free will’ to create a change within themselves so that it reflects in their lives.

Because somewhere we all have the power within ourselves to create and generate our lives. What we think, feel, talk – is all converted into energy and gets manifested within our lives. So we are in fact active participants in our future. Perhaps that is why each religion tells us to speak the truth, be kind towards other people and so on. Because this energy that we send out to the world is thus going to manifest in our life in a good way.

And then when we don’t see this cause-effect relationship manifesting, we begin to question more deeply and stumble upon the concepts of Karma, Past Life Karma and so on. But all that is fodder for another post – wot say? Stay tuned! 😀

So here are the links that I mentioned at the very beginning, a bibliography of sorts:

Does give you something to think about, doesn’t it?  

Journaling when you are studying on your own.

When you are studying the Tarot on your own, it makes sense to keep a Tarot journal.

Simply, get a two-ring binder file and a bunch of punched papers (journal papers) from any stationery shop. You can go wild and get separators.

Then maintain a record of the readings that you did, the spreads that you did and the intuitions that you got along with the date you did the reading.

You can check back in a couple of months and see your accuracy.

You can also do this process with each card. As a learning process, make a page for each card. Write down words or phrases that come into your mind when you see that card. Do this with the upright and reversed positions as well – for all the 78 cards. As and when a meaning is enhanced or added, just add it to your list on the page for that card. 

I follow the same method for my journal. I found that having and maintaining a journal is the best practice one can have as a beginner and as a student of Tarot and even as a professional Tarot reader.  

Some people also suggest maintaining records of readings you did for other people and then double checking them. But I find that to be quite a tedious process as I can’t do that while I am reading for someone else. Also this way I don’t maintain their privacy. So I don’t maintain records of other people’s readings.

But ifyou are not doing professional readings and if you are reading for friends and family members, ask them for permission and if they say OK then make a record of those readings as well.  This way, you can know where you were right and where you went wrong. You can see which card prompted you for both predictions / guidances etc and based on that your readings will become enhanced.

Missing a Card?

This is an interesting incident I would like to relate.

Back in early 2006, I used to have this camera bag turned into a bag for keeping my deck. And one day, a lady came in for a reading. I took my cards out, and began.

Throughout the reading, I kept feeling as if something was missing. I kept on telling her stuff to do with the Ace of Cups and the lesson in that card. And the whole time I kept feeling that the card will show up in the reading. It never did.

I have had such experiences often where I feel that the next card is going to be so-and-so card, and it turns out that way. But not this time!

Guess why?

When the lady left, I opened the bag to put my cards back into it, and noticed that there was one card left inside the bag – the Ace of Cups.

Interesting, huh?

The cards really are one family, and they work their magic when they are all together – mixed up or not – they are speaking to you together.

After that experience, I always double-check if I have all the cards with me before I begin my reading.

Have you ever had such an experience? Post your comments and share!