Semi-Annual Reading

Semi Annual Reading - TaroticallySpeaking


Semi-Annual Reading

By popular demand! This is the Annual Reading, but half! The Semi Annual Reading is perfect for you if you are the person who doesn't need to plan out the whole entire year at a time. This reading is perfect for you if your life is very dynamic, and therefore, you like to figure out your year in two chunks of 6 months, each.

Your Semi-Annual Reading for the next 6 months will contain:

  • 3 Tarot Cards for each Month: showing you the General Outlook energy for that month
  • 3 Lenormand Cards for Each Month: giving you practical predictions for the First Life Area for that month
  • 3 Kipper Cards for Each Month: giving you practical prediction for the Second Life Area for that month
  • 1 Theme Card for the Next 6 Months: from 2 different Oracle Decks, talking about the overall theme and energy for the next 6 months
  • 1 Lesson Card for the Next 6 Months: from 2 different Oracle Decks, talking about the big-picture lessons that you are meant to gain from the experiences of the next 6 months
  • 1 Guidance Card for the Next 6 Months: from 2 different Oracle Decks, showing you how you can best deal with the big-picture lessons of the next 6 months
  • 1 Affirmation Card for the Next 6 Months: that will give you an Affirmation, a positive mantra of sorts, to call upon as you go through the cycles of the next 6 months

Order your Semi-Annual Reading and get a glimpse of the next 6 months!

Semi-Annual Reading

3 Different Cartomancy Systems + 3 Oracle Decks All Come Together to Give You A Deep, Insightful Look at The Year Ahead!

A Semi-Annual Reading that combines the Guidance from the Tarot Cards, the Lenormand Cards, the Kipper Cards, Oracle Cards + an Affirmation Deck is an amazing way to look at the next 6 months. This Semi Annual Reading is an insightful look where the Tarot Cards throw a spotlight on the energetic highlights of the next 6 months, month-by-month. Adding to that, the Lenormand & Kipper Cards tell you the practical, real-life scenarios that are likely to show up. Bringing it together is the deep, spiritual wisdom about the Theme, Lesson, and Guidance for the next 6 months via the Oracle Cards. And a positive affirmation wraps it all up, giving you a mantra to hold on to as you go through the next 6 months. Together, you’ve got the complete package of Divine Guidance!

With the Semi-Annual Reading, you arm yourself with the information about the energy trends that are most likely to show up in the next 6 months. Use this information to be better prepared for what lies ahead. Now that you know the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and the energy flows of the year ahead, you can plan your life, your work, and even your relationships to be more fruitful, efficient, productive, and joyful.

You could say that the Semi-Annual Reading is a sort of like a GPS Roadmap for the next 6 months — you’ll know when to speed up, when to slow down, when to stay focused, and when to prepare for a bumpy road that may lie ahead. Armed with this information, you can plan the next 6 months quite effectively! Make the most of your next 6 months! Don’t just live, thrive! ✨

What Happens Next...

  • When you order your Annual or Semi-Annual Reading, you will be asked to fill out the information I need for doing your reading. In that form, you can specify 2 Focus Areas of your life such as Romance, Finances, Job etc. on which this reading will focus.
  • The Annual or Semi-Annual Reading already includes a General Outlook focus.
  • The 2 Focus Areas are separate from the General Outlook focus.
  • Examples of Focus Areas include Relationships, Career, Spiritual Growth etc. While ordering the reading, please provide additional, relevant information so I can focus on the topic properly.
  • For instance, you can seek guidance for specific relationships throughout the entire year as well. In that case, please provide the first name of the person in question, along with his/her date of birth, so I can tune into his/her energy as well.
  • Within 24 to 48 hours, I will email you and let you know when I'm going to be doing your Tarot Card Reading. (I try to be efficient and do readings within 2 days of getting the information.)
  • Please Note: If you are ordering your Annual or Semi-Annual Reading sometime in the middle of the calendar year, and you’ve placed your order on or before the 15th of the Month, then I will consider that month as the first, and proceed with the reading accordingly.
  • For example, if you’ve ordered your Annual Reading on the 7th of March, then March will be the first month, and then the reading will cover the March and the next 11 months. But if you’ve ordered your Annual Reading on the 17th of March, then the reading will begin from April and cover April and the 11 months after it.
  • For the sake of simplicity and efficiency, I do this reading only via Audio Recording.
  • Once your Annual and Semi-Annual Reading is done, I'll upload the audio recording + the picture of the spread to a folder and send you the download link to that folder via email.
  • Please save the files on your computer. I usually delete them from the server every 6 - 8 months.



Here’s what some of my clients have said about my readings over the years…

Amazing! Its all I can say to start with. I read about Tarot Reading on the net and landed up visiting a site where I read Madhavi’s name as one of the Tarot readers from Pune. I called her immediately and setup an appointment. She was very welcoming and friendly. That made me comfortable and the reading was easy. As she unfolded the cards and started reading them, it was like my past and my present were replayed in front of me, and some of the most secretive incidents too unfolded.

Madhavi is the only Tarot reader that I ever went to or will go to. A reading done by her is like a reading done by a very trusted friend. She tells us about the toughest incidents that have and will occur in a very pleasing manner and comforts our emotions. After having a reading done by her I took along my friends and they too were happy with her reading.

I wish her good luck and encourage the people interested in Tarrot to get a reading done by Madhavi. I assure you will have a wonderful experience.


Wow! Your reading is incredible - thank you! That was such an insightful and helpful reading, and so thorough. I can't thank you enough!


I listened very intently to your reading. I have to be honest with you. I cried during your future romance reading. Your reading was so spot-on!


Wow! You have given me a lot to think about! The reading now makes me prepared for what will probably happen, and I will remember the old saying “when one door closes, another opens”.....Thank you once again for your reading. I used to read the tarot and am re-learning much through your website. Your points all make sense to me and I have made many notes!


Many thanks for detailed reading and sharing it in audio clip format.

All points suggested are indeed true and I can relate it to pattern of events taking place over last 2 years.

Last three cards about theme, lessons and guidance have provided valuable insight and it does require reading between lines to comprehend message.

The explanation or advice given by you in guidance section through harmony card is something I am looking for. You have put it through appropriate words and thus I have got conceptual clarity to some extent now.


You always surprise me with your readings because you tell the story like you are living it with me. I agree with everything you found. This reading makes me nervous and excited at the same time. 

Thanks again for providing me with this guidance. It was much needed!!!! 


Thank you so much for the reading. 🙂

What you said made sense. Frankly, I need to listen to it again and I will of course, as there is lots of very good information to ponder on. Thank you so much Madhavi! You're excellent! 🙂 I will keep coming back to you. For now I'll reflect on the reading and try to do my best. 

Would love to meet you for my next reading in person. ?


Thank you so much for such a thorough reading : ) You are truly gifted and I appreciate your sensitive positivity. Cheers, dearheart!

Diana s Review Blurred Names and Face - Diana s Review Blurred Names and Face


I met Madhavi when I was going through my worst phase. Though I had met her only for a Tarot reading, she comforted me more than anyone could at that instant. Her soothing demeanor and understanding nature made a lifelong impact on me. She continues to be a friend,guide,mentor even today. I do wish her all the success in life.


Thank you very much for solving my worries and doubts.
I really enjoyed the reading. Your voice is very calm and the guidance you interpreted from the cards is very useful.
I used to think that Tarot cards are driven by some unknown dark force but now I have a new positive view.
I had not really good experience with a tarot reading in the past. The tarot reader upset me a lot and was not able to calm me down. I was feeling that I gave power to her.
But this time, I am glad that you gave the reading in a calm manner when you talked about the sad past of mine.
The best thing is that you are really willing to perfect your reading by listening to the feedbacks. Not many readers are willing to admit they made a mistake.
Sure I will tell you how things work out. When I walk there, I will know what is there on the road.
With the guidance you gave me and the guidance of my heart, I am sure I will be on the right path.
Thanks again. Keep in touch!


Thank you so much for the reading. You are gifted. You have a pure soul. I can feel it. I'm most grateful for your teachings and wisdoms. Everything resonated with me. Everything you said was true. There were at certain moments where I couldn't help myself but cry because you were really reading what is going on in my heart and head. I am very grateful for the chance to meet you and to have the privilege to learn from you. You've touched my soul. 


Thank you so much for the reading. And so quickly! Your intuition is phenomenal.

I have listened to my heart and the response is loud and clear. 

Thank you. You are amazing! I will definitely be in contact again very soon and will let you know how things develop! 


I just finished listening to your reading for the second time.  There was so much to digest and understand that I plan to listen to it many more times to fully grasp and analyze the info.

I do want to tell you that this reading was so in-depth and so thorough and made complete sense to me.  The reading itself is bringing me peace of mind and therefore some of the joy I am seeking. 

Thank you again for your kind words and the excitement you shared as you did the reading!  You made it a pleasure to listen to!  Your excitement was contagious and really made me smile.


Wowee - loved your reading - amazing insight, humanity and compassion in your delivery of your your comments!

Firstly - I loved the tone in your voice - I was hooked from the start…

I got the Tower card a few days ago (yuk - I'm not a fan) and googled various meanings and came across you in tarotically (like the name) and something in what you said resonated - hence I acted on a 'heart' impulse and booked a reading with you.

I also keep getting the 4 of cups card - and, interestingly, both the tower and 4 of cups turned up consistently in various aspects of your reading...!

So - lots of great stuff. Fabulous cards at the hand of a guru reader... You!

I'll need to digest everything properly but want to say a huge THANK-YOU for the time, thought, insight and honest delivery of this reading ... It's 'a kind of magic' (as the Queen song says!)

Well Wishes Always...


I came across Madhavi’s website while searching for Tarot Card Readers in 2007. I wasn’t quite aware about what a Tarot Reading is all about, but the way Madhavi did the reading and explained the interpretation of each card, I was so amazed! Her insight about my situation even without knowing anything about me amazed me. I take readings from her periodically as I trust her readings a lot. She is the best. 🙂


You are VERY VERY talented.  You're reading i think was accurate.  Yes you were spot on... I must say its kinda scary.... But very interesting. My thoughts are : YOU ARE AMAZING.


Hi Madhavi, first I have to say I want to be your friend for life, you have such a beautiful presence , so warm and caring.I feel happy listening to you. Ok the reading. You hit it on the head 100% it was all correct. I am absolutely like what you said I was. Everything you've said was absolutely on the mark. Thank you so much. I needed to hear all of this.


Thanks a lot for your reading. You explained it so beautifully. I feel like I can see the bigger picture clearly.


Thank you once again for being so patient with me. I'm so glad I came across your website. Truly..some people are put on this planet to help other people out. I believe you take your job as one of them, very seriously 🙂 Will let you know how events pan out. 


I love, love, love you.  What an absolute gem you are.  I could listen to your reading over and over again. I am moved to my core with your acute perception, deep wisdom and even your delightful lightness of being.

Big hugs for now, you charming being.  


Thank you very much… Your reading was extraordinarily accurate. Trust your intuition as the connection you made was really good. Thank you for your effort and energy. Thank you for the tarot you chose… The imagery was really speaking to me... Very creative and emotional. 

Btw..I also have a Tarot deck and my card is the Queen on Wands...astrologically speaking I am fire and air , wands and swords ...:) passion and intellect… You were so spot on!

I am really humbled by your gifts.

Nice to connect to you.


I received you links and opened all of them.  I have listened to your audio about 4 times.

You are so right on and helpful.

It helped me to recognize how angry I have been and still am.  I didn't want to look there.  I am now.

I appreciate your advice about keeping my cups full.  I know this is true. I can feel it.  I will keep taking care of myself, so I can take care of him. You were right on.

Thank you for your empathy.  It touched my heart.

Thank you for your help.


Thank you so much for such extraordinary reading. You made me feel so calm and gave me confidence to battle what's ahead of me. 

Thank you again. For your time and this has to be the best reading I've ever had 🙂



I have had the honor and pleasure of knowing Madhavi for many years now. When I needed her to do a reading for me (which was after she had moved to the U.S.), she was kind enough to agree immediately to do a telephone reading for me. (I didn’t even know that a remote reading across geographies was even possible!)

Those times were testing for me, and I needed someone that I could talk to and confide in — to an extent. I was amazed at the answers she gave me and the predictions to two of my questions came out to be true. This girl knows her craft, for sure! I am so happy to be a part of her inner circle and her proclivity toward her craft and excelling in it is something each one of us should aim for. Way to go, girl!


A lot of the things you told me make perfect sense!


Thank you for the reading. It was pretty enlightening. Your interpretation of the cards was accurate in many ways. However, with you reading and encouragement I will plan and take the right steps into bettering my job and schooling. I will definitely keep you posted.


I thought about your Reading I'm very impressed.


I just had an opportunity to hear the reading you sent me and it was AMAZING! The capital letter sort of amazing! You were spot on about a great deal and quite a bit of what you talked about resonated with me. Thanks for the compliment regarding the wording of my questions! 

Overall, you were very insightful and insanely accurate! I will definitely be in touch in the future! Thanks so much for the reading! 


Thank you soooooo much for your patience today in interpreting what you heard and saw.  I was so satisfied and fulfilled that you let me ask my most burning question at the end.  The one I was a little afraid to ask.

You have empowered me to push forward and I LOVE the card below.  I do feel that she represents me and finally I understand a little better that I do not need to fight the leadership role that I have assumed.

I am going to review all the information that we discussed and move forward, happy and feeling more empowered to make a decision, whatever it is, as the right one.

I will keep your contact info - you will get an update!!!!  🙂

All the best to you and your family also...


Thank you for doing the reading for me. 

The Lenormand cards are whimsical, playful and simply gorgeous. The imagery goes well with the Sun and Moon deck as both are artful and contemporary. I am glad that you have included it in my reading. It does a good job enhancing the tarot reading in a simpler form. The answers from the Lenormand seems more direct.

I really like how you did the general reading. You gave a story of the past and also relating the heart and mind. All the things you said about me, my thoughts and feelings are very accurate. 

Thank you once again for doing the reading for me.


This reading was very helpful because I'm not sure I would have been so quick and confident to make these decisions in my life.

What you said about taking a day of rest was helpful and I reflected and continued my healing.

I am having some issues at work. I do not agree with the way things have been going and I have been quiet for quite some time. After praying and meditating, I thought about my session with you and how you said good things were to come from my job. Everything I wanted to address started being brought up by management and everything that I needed solving is being solved.....I can't believe it I am such in a state of shock but humble at the same time.

I am sure you get this positive feedback all the time as you are wonderful and amazing at what you do, but I wanted to tell you what results I have seen so far with the reading.  I will be taking lessons from you as soon as I can find extra money.

Thank you again.
