Repeating cards in a Tarot card reading are quite an interesting and common occurrence. During the course of a single Tarot card reading, the Tarot reader often ends up doing several spreads to answer the different questions that the client might have. And a card or two (or sometimes three) can often pop up repeatedly across those spreads.
Today, lets find out about the significance and meaning of these repeating cards in a Tarot card reading.
Doing a Tarot card reading is not a simple scenario. Clients often have a number of questions that span a variety of areas of their life. Naturally, it makes sense to do a different spread that will guide the client for each of his / her questions.
While doing these spreads, many Tarot readers might have observed the occurrence of repeating cards. Sometimes, these cards pop up in questions that relate to the same scenario, but many a times, they pop up even in spreads done for unrelated scenarios. This can seem a bit overwhelming and confusing for several Tarot readers.
Even in my own experience, I have seen the phenomenon of repeating cards happen in many of the readings I do for clients. As usual, I rely a lot on my intuition to guide me when this occurs. More often than not, I have seen that the first interpretation pretty much applies to each of the appearances made by that card.
Repeating Cards in a Tarot Reading: What Do They Mean?
Here are some of the things that I have seen with respect to repeating cards in a Tarot reading:
- The presence of repeating cards in a Tarot reading pretty much implies that the meaning / interpretation specified by that card is being emphasized over and over again.
- The cards are trying to tell the client that this situation / scenario is going to have a lot of weight in the events that are being described in the spreads.
- If the card describes a situation, then the repeating card might signify that this situation will be a major turning point, or central scenario and the other situations described by the reading will be influenced by it.
- The repeating card’s scenario might also help identify the time frame when other related or non-related events described in the spread will occur.
Repeating Cards in a Tarot Reading: Examples and Explanations
Let me explain these above mentioned thoughts with examples.
In one of the readings that I was doing for a client of mine, the Justice card (↓) popped up repeatedly across the different spreads. Most of the questions that he was asking were about his relationship and his career. Now, the Justice card often talks about taking decisions, and acting upon the decisions that were taken. But when the card is reversed, it implies either that the decision was not being taken, or in this case, the client was not acting upon the decision that he had taken. As the card kept coming up (and in the same reversed position) over and over again, I ended up addressing the issue with him face-to-face. He admitted that the interpretation that was being emphasized was true. I ended up explaining to him, how his inaction was leading to the other events that were coming up across the various spreads I did for him. Of course, I left the eventual action taking to him – it was, after all, a personal choice for him. But to me, it seemed as if the cards were screaming out and telling me that most of his troubles and hurdles in life were primarily caused by his inaction with regard to his decision. And if he didn’t take the action, his life would be caught up in a loop of repeated cycles, till he learnt the karmic lesson that he was supposed to learn: acting upon a decision that he had already taken.
Sometimes, as I have mentioned above, the repeating cards can tell you that a particular situation in your life is going to bear a lot of weight over the next few months. In this reading, the 4 of Wands card was coming up repeatedly for a client of mine. And of course, she told me that she was all set for a visit out of town, where she was to attend the wedding celebrations of an old school friend. Over the course of the reading, I did a couple of spreads for her, mostly to do with her career. And the 4 of Wands kept popping up. I just said to her that something very interesting, especially with regards to her career, would occur during that time. A few weeks later, my client called me up. She sounded pretty excited as she told me about a very interesting job offer that she had received after she had met someone at that wedding!
Repeating cards can also be indicators of time – especially when they are Major Arcana cards that are associated with a particular Sun Sign. Of course, this aspect of their interpretation might not work for everyone, but sometimes, my intuition is my best guide in such scenarios. Well, we all know that the Emperor card is associated with the Sun Sign Aries. And Aries time is between the 20th of March to the 20th of April. During a reading for my client, the Emperor card popped up in his General Reading. And when I looked at it, all I heard inside my head was ‘Aries Time’. It didn’t say anything else, so I just let it go and talked about the other cards surrounding it, and told my client that all those events described by those surrounding cards were most likely going to occur in Aries time. Then, the client asked me his other questions, and I went on to do a couple of more spreads, where, of course, the Emperor card popped up again. Thus, as far as time frames went, I pretty much stuck to Aries time! 🙂 Well, after Aries time had come and gone, my client called me up one day, just to tell me about all the interesting things that had happened to him in the month of April (which was Aries time!).
All these interesting anecdotes will, hopefully, help you to judge for yourself how repeating cards can stress upon the situation / time that they are showing. Of course, you might have had other experiences – which is absolutely perfect! That’s how the cards work! 🙂 They speak to each one of us in a language that we understand!
Your Turn
Did you also have similar experiences in your readings? Do you often have repeating cards pop up in your spreads? What have they ended up signifying for you? What do you do when you see a card come up repeatedly in your reading?
Please, do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.
Hello Madhavi,
I draw a card every morning and the past 3 days i have drawn the High Priestess: day one in normal upright position, day 2 reversed and day 3 normal upright. I know this has something to do with my intuition – what does it mean when it’s upright / reversed / upright? And the same card? Thank you in advance!
Hey Stacie,
Wow! High Priestess huh! What a card!
Well, upright the High Priestess talks of deep intuition, dreams, inner understanding of things and situations, wisdom, and even studying. It can also describe someone who is mysterious, intuitive, studious, and introverted. This can also describe a situation where, if you remain still, you can listen to your inner voice and gain a lot of understanding.
Reversed, the High Priestess is all about not trusting your intuition, not really understanding your inner self, and not listening to your inner wisdom. It can also describe someone who can (mis)use her intrinsic knowledge of people to manipulate them. It can also describe a situation where you don’t listen to your inner voice and make a mess of the entire situation by misreading it.
These are pretty general interpretations though.
Think about the past few days and the next few days — which interpretation(s) or combinations of the ones I’ve mentioned above can apply to your life?
For example: are you studying or researching something very deeply? Or is one of your friends trying to be manipulative with you? Or are you being silent and listening to your inner voice? Or are you getting annoyed at things not moving in your life and are feeling like doing something about it?
Stuff like that…
Let me know how it works out. 🙂 I’m super curious too now!
~ M
Hi Madhavi, yes, that makes a lot of sense, especially the things not moving in my life and my frustrations with that! Thanks!
? Hope things work out!
I went to a tarot reader once a year, for three years. She dealt the same spread for me every time I saw her. Not just one or two cards, the whole same spread.
The first time, she said the spread was about a woman who would be entering my life, and that she is the one who’ll bring me happiness, but that it would take a long time for the relationship to mature.
I did meet a woman a few moths after that. Things were on and off with her for a year and a half. Volatility arose because I didn’t treat her very well but the truth is that I didn’t feel any sense of commitment to her, or respect her. I was always more interested in exploring my options with other women because I decided from the start with her that she was not the one referred to in the cards. I kept my radar out for other women and pursued them as potential options. Even when we were on dates and she was by my side, I’d talk to other women who caught my interest and focus fully on them, ignoring her.
Still those same cards kept coming up, and the tarot reader said that yes, it referred to the woman who she had originally foreseen, and who was now in my life on and off. She repeated the same things on that very last reading as she had in the first and the second, but with one last addition that very last time: That I must not “rock the boat”.
Eventually, for the same reasons as always the relationship ended. I caused a fight on purpose so I could focus on another woman who interested me, and I was happy at first because that woman interested me much more. But after a few months, the boredom kicked in and I wanted to go back to the first one. I even realised that being with her did make me happy, even if she wasn’t anything like what I’m seeking in a woman. She never wears dresses or skirts, and she was opinionated.
She was very angry at the end and said she’d never take me back again. I tried for eighteen months to tell her that she was wrong about me and that she should apologize to me for her unfounded accusations. She’d never had any idea that I’d been in relationships with other women in the months we spent apart so many times, but at the end she was accusing me of cheating and told me to go find whatever it is I’m looking for, because clearly she wasn’t it. But as I told her: No one is. Anyway I never cheated, because we’d broken up each of those times so I was actually single and free to do as I wanted.
I know it sounds shady and kind of is, but the tarot readings convinced me that I was on the verge of finding the one, and I didn’t believe she was it, or feel that I could settle for her with so many other/better options out there. Those three readings, combined with that belief, is a big part of the reason I kept looking so hard. One problem: I didn’t find the same feelings of contentment and happiness with anyone else.
Do you think I messed up, or was I right to keep looking? I still didn’t find the right contender. I would go back to the reader and ask her these questions, but she retired after my last reading.
Thanks in advance for your feedback, and sorry for the long post.
Hi Dex,
Wow. Since you’ve been so up front with your story, I’ll be frank too. Yes, I think you truly messed up. Big time.
Your Tarot Card Reader did tell you that this girl was the one, but you didn’t believe her. Ultimately, you created a situation due to which this girl finally left you. But then, sadly, none of your other girlfriends would fit the bill. So you went back to that girl, and wanted her to accept you. In fact, you even think she should apologize to you even though you were the one who constantly cheated on her and treated her badly.
I think the issue here is not with the reading, nor is it with the girl who finally moved on. I think it is that you don’t know what you really want out of a relationship. And you don’t know how to cherish and nurture a relationship either.
I’m not going to tell you what you already know about where and how you messed up your relationship with this girl. And if you are somehow trying to blame the cards for your goof-ups, I suppose no one can stop you.
But the facts are that the cards did guide you. It was you who didn’t listen.
Tarot Readings can give you the information and Tarot Readers can even do some counseling, but no one can force you to take any decision. That power lies in your hands. This responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders.
Still, if you really truly want this girl back, and are sincere about what you feel about her, think deeply about what you did and how. Realize what you did wrong. Be sincere. And try to tell her the truth about all of it. Beg for her forgiveness because you really messed up.
And if after this last ditch attempt, she still won’t take you back, move on with your life knowing that this sort of thing can and does happen.
Pray that the Universe has blessed you with another opportunity to get it right.
Do better next time.
Hope this helps.
~ M
Thanks for replying so quickly Madhavi. It’s kind of you and I really appreciate it.
Well no, I don’t want her back. She was completely negative and angry towards me at the end, and I don’t want to be around someone like that.
She wasn’t what I want in lots of other ways too. She was my age and I want someone younger. And as I told her myself, she didn’t drink enough water. I like women who drink at least 3 or 4 liters of water, every day. That’s just good self care.
Then there are some really bad things, like she refused to dress the way I told her I like women to dress. She told me that if it was so important to me, I should go find someone who already dresses the way I like, because her style reflects who she is as a person and she’s not changing it. So she would not compromise or even meet in the middle on something that was so important to me, just opinionated and point blank refusal. I think I’m better off without that nonsense in my life!
I’m OK to keep looking for a more suitable partner and I do know what I want in a relationship. A young woman who wears dresses and skirts, can reach a compromise, drinks lots of water, doesn’t have opinions about everything, and is positive all the time. It’s not a huge ask, is it.
Sending you a big thanks for reassuring me that the universe may deliver yet. It sure got it wrong with the last one, so it needs to correct this error! I think I just wanted to feel some hope about that and in the meantime I’m enjoying the hunt anyway, so it’s not a bad situation to be in.
Thanks Madhavi.
Dex 🙂
Good luck! ??
So I was scrambling my cards around on my bed to shuffle them, and the Death card flipped over twice (I flipped it back over each time and scrambled the cards again). And so as I was picking them up again, I decided to flip of the last card left to se if it would be the Death card and if the tarot was really trying to tell me something, and it was the Death card. I’m sort of worried because this didn’t happen in separate readings the cards “told” me on their own accord. How should I interpret this because I have an event I want to sign up for but I’m not sure if I should now?
How intense with that Death card!
The Death card is about gradual change – but the change that comes after an ending. And the ending is about something that has stopped serving its purpose, or stopped serving your best interests, or the situation has played itself out and now it is time to let it go. Either way, that’s the energy of the Death card. But one thing it is not is sudden — the energy of this card is gradual, slow, over a period of time, and accompanied with a bunch of emotions.
What I would suggest is:
With the cards, it is always better to pay attention to our first feelings, and then of course, you can always make sure.
Hope this helps. Let me know how it all works out for you… Good luck!
~ M
I was scrambling my cards around on my bed to shuffle them, and the Death card flipped over twice. And then as I was picking the cards up I turned over the last card keft to see if it was the Death card again and if the tarot was trying to tell me something, and it was the Death card. I’m worried because it’s not separate readingd the cards literally told me on their own accord, I’m not sure if this indicates a really severe change or what. The cards turned up upright everytime btw.
Seasons Greetings Madhavi!
I woke up this morning and asked the cards for a general celtic reading-nothing specific, just to let them talk and highlight anything that i may need to be aware of. The 1st card was death, and the crossing card was 3 of cups, now after the entire reading i honestly felt like it was alerting me about someone else-not myself and it prompted me to check up on a friend and her pregnancy-couldn’t get a hold of her so i put it in the back of my mind. I did about 3 more readings and the last 1 started with the 3 of cups as the situation and death as the crossing card. It reminded me again to contact my friend and i still havent been able to reach her….when it’s 78 cards in a deck and you get the same layout i know it’s not by mere chance. Please tell me what you think.
Hi Rogue! How interesting that you kept getting those two cards! And the same intuition as well!
Honestly, I would trust your intuition and make time to call up the friend you’ve got that intuition about.
Now, about the interpretation (in context of that intuition):
Death is all about change – but a change where something ends and that leads to a new start. So in order for the new thing to start, an old thing has to end.
Crossing that card is the 3 of Cups – which is all about celebrating a harvest, or a success.
If both these cards come up crossing each other, then I think that a celebration will eventually come about, but before that something which isn’t working needs to go. Perhaps you friend may go through an experience where she ends something, if she hasn’t already, (in context of your intuition, it could be a miscarriage etc), and then she’ll get pregnant. It could also be that she has to undergo some medical treatment to clear out whatever is causing issues for her, and then she’ll get pregnant. So, if your friend has already done that, then there’s good news on the horizon for sure.
That’s what I thought. But of course, you ought to confirm with her. 🙂 And I sure hope that there’s good news and joy and cheer all around!
What were your thoughts?
Thank you so much for your prompt response☺ And yes! The cards did just that! Idk if im the only one that gives my cards personification, but i can tell when they are “tired’ or just dont want to answer questions(like about my love life haha)
I still have not heard directly from her, and that maybe the cards were talking to me about a situation i wasn’t made privy to until Fri. Im in school getting my cdl and am part of sn actual trio of girls and we’ve formed an alliance/study/support group, but i feel as tho an outside force is trying to “end it”. We have a test to take tues that will determine if we can stay in the program, and there has been alot of knitpicking from the outside that tries to discourage us from succeeding. Idk if maybe thats it…wdy think Madhavi? Happy New Year!
Hmmm… I totally understand – when my cards don’t want to tell me, they can get so adamant! I guess, on some level, they are a perfect reflection of your personality! LOL
The image on the 3 of Cups card does also talk about a group of friends who get together and have a good time. Therefore, if you feel that someone is trying to break up your group, well, then that could also be it.
Here’s what I think you might want to think about every time you wonder about a card or a bunch of cards in a spread: (1) What was the question you had asked when you pulled each of your spreads? (2) What was your first feeling or intuition when you opened the cards each time?
Looking at both of these aspects will tell you if the answers you’ve received were about which topic.
And then again, I’ve had readings where a card talked about two or more different things at the same time, like it used the image to convey two or three different messages at the same time. Maybe, something like that happened for you too!
In your case, for instance, the cards may have used both the ‘celebration’ and the ‘group of friends’ aspects of the imagery to convey two different bits of information to you.
What do you think?
I think you are absolutely right! The cards were def touching on 2 or 3 diff situations. Im so glad to hear that im not crazy with thinking my cards have personality. Sometimes they can be downright comedic in readings, like me haha. I really appreciate your insight, and hope you cover more topics in the future. Such as- why won’t my cards tell me about my future love life (hint, hint, wink, wink,) lol
Hmm… Now you’ve given me a good topic to sink my teeth into! ?
I woke up and ask for guidance today as I am just learning. I took three cards. The chalices 6,the swords 9, The judgement xx. I shuffled the deck and the exact same cards came up again???
Ah! Well… When that happens, it means that the cards are really stressing the message. Look at the cards. Perhaps the message that they are saying is something you really need to hear!
Here’s my take on the message…
6 cups = nostalgia about the past. 9 swords = anxiety, worry, and sleepless nights. Judgement = hear the wake up call and let it go so you can finish the cycle and move on.
What do you think?
Yes maybe. As I said I am just learning. I cant believe how open my mind has become since I started. I got up this morning and an object next to my dogs picture was turned around. My dog died one year ago today, weird..thank you for you reply
Ah! Now I see the connection!
I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. Memories with our pets are precious.
I hope the message of the cards helps you. ?
Good luck with your learning of the Tarot!
Back again! I put the cards down for about a week and a half, and pulled them out asking about the outcome of my test on this coming Monday(my bday) i have been working very hard on getting my cdl(license to drive 18 wheelers) and have struggled with backing maneuvers, and guess what cards make another grand appearance? 3 of cups and Death. My Celtic Cross layout was
The Situation- 6 of wands
Conflicting or Helping Influence- King of Cups
Above Me- 10 of Cups
Beneath Me- King of Wands
Behind Me- 2 of Cups
In Front of Me- 3 of Cups
Me- 8 of Cups
Environment Influences- Death
Advice- Knight of Swords
Outcome- Queen of Swords
Im still unsure as to why i keep getting 3 of cups and Death it is rattling my brain. Could you please provide your insight?
Oooh Rogue! I’m loving how this is showing up…
Here’s how I’m seeing this: In front of you is 3 of Cups. So you’ve got some sort of a celebration to look forward to. Me (8 of Cups = leaving the past behind and moving to the next part of life) + Environment Influences (Death = a sweeping change that ends the old stuff and creates a space for new stuff to come in) — this is where you are going to let go of your old way of living and advance to a next level.
I think that you will do really well in your test, which will then cause a shift in your life and lifestyle which will then take your life to the next level.
The advice is to stay calm and to be very logical and sharp with your assessment and answers (Knight and Queen of Swords). I think you will do awesome on your test if you follow this guidance!
I hope this makes sense…
Good luck! ? And let me know how this goes!
Ooops i meant 8 of pentacles as myself which i feel shows me actively working hard at my craft, and staying focused(do you agree?) And yes the celebration im hoping is that i pass my test on my bday! Ive been working on this since October of last year and have come close to giving up, but couldn’t for some reason- what you are saying is true i am well equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to pass my test, just have to apply it. Thank you ever so much and blessings to you- ill be requesting a personal reading soon after i pass my test and start working ?
I agree about the 8 of Pentacles. You’ve been working hard and it’ll all come to fruition. Good luck with your test! ?
Greetings again Madhavi! I failed my test ?? but with the fail i know what im doing wrong and should pass in the next 2 weeks! I did get sent home and will have to go to another school but i can test there. So i know now that the death and 3 of cups was the ending of the girls and my time there. I did another reading and now see the world showing up, so im sure that i should be passing this next time around. Ill keep you posted!
So the Death card was all about endings after all! But all sorts of other things as well have ended, not necessarily the one we hoped for! Sigh! ?
As you said, this time you know what you did wrong, so you ought to pass the next time. And since you see the World card showing up, well, then I expect there are good things coming up, amirite?
Yup! Keep me posted.
Good luck with your next test!
Hi i keep getting the King of Cups in readings.. Can you tell me what this might mean? Thanks Heather.
Hey Heather,
The King of Cups is someone who is very emotionally motivated – although he is often someone who is in control of his emotions. This is a person who is creative, and intuitive, and takes all his decisions with his heart (rather than his head).
Since you keep getting this card, either you are someone like this, or there is someone like this in your life who plays a role in the questions you are asking during your readings. Or it could mean that you need to behave like this while tackling the issues that you are asking about while you do your readings.
Hope this helps.
Awww thanks so much for getting back to me-you’re a gem! I had hoped it might be someone about to come into my life with these traits? Maybe not. I am very emotional and trying to make an important decision at the moment so it does make sense. Thanks.
? With readings, it all depends on the context of the question that you ask.
But I’m glad it all made sense. Good luck with your decision! ?
I’m drawing a card a day and have had the nine of wands twice in 3 days. Just wondered what your thoughts are? ?
9 of Wands hmmm… Something going on where you need to be on your guard? That’s what that card’s is all about isn’t it? Maybe the cards are telling you something… What do you think?
Hey! I’ve been reading for myself for the last 5 months and every time I do, the high priestess shows up in the outcome position of the spread. Just curious why it’s consistently showing up. Thanks!
The High Priestess is an awesome card to see! She is the Mistress of Mystery, and the Lady at the Gates of the Subconscious. Have you been studying a lot lately? Or delving deep within your inner world? Or feeling like doing so? The High Priestess certainly indicates that you are very close to lifting the veil between your outer and inner world. So, go there steadily, but willingly. She is welcoming you for sure! 🙂
Also, I would like to add: in terms of prediction, the High Priestess turns up to show that while things may not seem to be moving forward like you would like to, perhaps a deeper study and introspection into why it is so would be required.
Hope these thoughts of mine make sense…
I’ve been getting the Ten of Pentacles in my daily 3-card readings for about a month now. I’m quite gratefully financially secure (not wealthy!) with my home paid for, which I never take for granted. Should I go buy a lottery ticket? LOL! Would appreciate your input. Thanks!
LOL! A lottery ticket! Well, you can certainly give it a shot!
I think though that the card came up to remind you of the good things that you have in life, and that you may cherish them. Perhaps, it also come up to tell you that such a time will continue on. 🙂
I’ve been trying to come up with ways to keep myself financially stable or achieve money.
I’ve been looking into my tarot readings and keep seeing The Fool representing my fears. This is the third time this has happened this week, Something about being lead to major problems and that deep down something I want isn’t really what I desire. What does it truly mean?
Hi Amethyst,
(♥️ your name!)
The Fool often represents taking risks, taking the leap of faith, following your dreams, starting something on an impulse… All of which includes not knowing how it will all end up.
I suppose the card is telling you to follow your long held dream or idea, and not worry much about the end result. And that it may be the way to finding your financial stability.
I do hope that you follow your heart and your dream, and find the prosperity that you are looking for!
~ M
Over the last few weeks, almost every single time I’ve done a tarot reading I’ve drawn the 4 of cups. I’m not quite sure why, and I was hoping you could possibly shed some light on it. I’ve just started learning tarot over the last couple months, and I feel like I really do have an affinety for it, so it probably means something, but I can’t seem to figure out what. I get it when I do any readings for myself or any general readings (where I just completely clear my mind of all thoughts and draw three cards.)
The 4 of Cups usually talks about complacency, inertia, boredom, or, simply avoiding making choices and not taking action just ‘because’.
Are you going through a phase like that in any area of your life? A phase where you just don’t ‘feel’ like taking any positive action, where you feel stuck in a rut but are unwilling to get yourself out of it…
Hope that phase passes soon… Because, as it often indicates in the card, you might lose out on a favorable moment should you give in to your listlessness.
Hope this helps…
I draw the High Priestess a lot when I’m seeking answers about my identity and spirituality. I also draw two of cups and six of wands a lot when I’m asking about more general questions work/future/success.
How apt! They are such beautiful cards…
I have been doing readings for myself lately asking how certain family members were doing and I keep pulling the death card not in the same place but over and over again. I tried to ignore it and think along the lines of great change but my first thought was not good…
Hmmm… Trust your intuition JK, but sometimes discretion can be the better part of valour. Pray that nothing bad happens, and if there is any change in the air, let it unfold.
Hi I had a reading yesterday and three death cards came up I always get one bit that freaked me out he said it’s cause my life is always changing which is true and he talked about my future after it did worry me n I asked him after n be reassured me but really they can’t say as can they xx I had to choose from three piles
Well, honestly, change is the one constant in life. Death, whether symbolic or actual is also a big change – a chapter ends and a new one begins.
It isn’t about the situation, but how you deal with it, handle it, and live through it that matters.
Freaking out and feeling afraid can be instant reactions to some cards. But are you going to stay with that fear and give in, or take guidance from these cards and bolster your strength so that you can face the situation? What will you do?
Stay strong, my friend. Stay blessed.
I’ve done 3 readings in the past week or so…and in each the Two of Swords comes up? Surrounding cards always suggest change, however that change seems unattainable due to the Two of Swords always showing up in my reading. I pulled it out and consulted with my deck as to what this card means…and the Death card came up as one of my outcomes.
I am so confused…
2 of Swords is the card of choice — it means you have to make a choice. It is something you must do. You need to really and truly reach into your innermost self and make the choice — this way or that. But make a choice you must, or else you will find yourself stagnating, and circling back to the same point over and over again.
The Death card is about allowing a gradual change to take place — a change where all the old stuff (baggage, memories, happy and sad attachments) are all completely let go of, and this way you can create a space for the new experiences to come into your life. In this card, you have to completely let it all go. What needs to be ended has to be ended. No lingering anything. Otherwise, the changes don’t manifest.
So, if I were to connect all the dots it seems like the cards are asking you to change (Death), but you have to choose to change (2 of Swords) and to put the process of change into action.
Hope this makes sense…
~ M
I get the Tower, The Devil, & 3 of Cups repeatedly. Multiple sites, multiple decks. Every once in a while the hanged fool. My current life, Starting divorce, starting school, custody battle & low on funds. I just lost 210 lbs and I’m in a very odd mental space…
Yup.. That about sums it up… The Tower = Breakdowns leading to Breakthroughs, The Devil = Being Chained, and Needing to Free Oneself from those Chains, 3 of Cups = Finding Joy in the company of others.
I suppose, eventually things ought to get better — 2 of these are Major Arcana, which means they are huge changes for you, changes that’ll impact several layers of your life. Once the dust settles, so to speak, things will start to clear up. Good luck! May all things work out well for you in this new year!
What about getting specific numbers like fours regardless of the suit? And odd cards in procession ? Or for yes and no answers with 5 cards getting mostly an answer with 3-4 cards and the remaining 1-2 cards will be a page or knight or king?
What an interesting question! And yes, that happens too! A lot!
Sometimes you get the same number repeated in a spread, or some sort of a pattern happening with the numbers (like two 4s and one 8) … According to numerology, each number has a meaning. So when I see repeating numbers, I feel that the meaning of that number is emphasized — and then I look at which suit the number is popping up in, and that suit element’s aspect for that number meaning is emphasized some more.
For example, say there are three 4s in a spread, one Emperor, and 4 of Wands and 4 of Swords. Now we know Emperor is all about structure and stability. 4 of Wands talks about the passion or fire energy aspect of that structure / stability scenario, whereas 4 of Swords talks of structure and stability within the realm of the mind or air energy. So in this spread, while the Emperor talks of the entire 4 energy aspect at large, the 4 of Wands and 4 of Swords are pointing out that the passion / fire and mind / air aspects bear special significance. And we of course, have to see all this within the context of the spread, the spread position, and the question asked.
Another example would be the patterns. So, if say, we got two 4s and one 8 – then I see that 2 X 4 = 8 or 4 + 4 = 8. So whatever is happening in the 8 card is going to take place with the influence of both the 4 number cards. So, lets say, like in the previous example, we have 4 Wands, 4 Swords and 8 Pentacles… Then the situation in the 8 of Pentacles (apprenticeship / learning while working) will occur once there is a 4 of Wands situation (a happy occasion or celebration) and a 4 of Swords situation (taking a bit of a break due to mental fatigue). Or the 8 of Pentacles will cause both 4 of Wands and 4 of Swords. Or any such combination. Of course, we need to also consider the spread position and context of the question asked as well.
Now, for the Court Cards part — many people have assigned numbers to them as well… So the Page becomes 11, Knight becomes 12, Queen becomes 13, and the King is 14. So we look at those numbers while looking at the Court Cards.
To sum it up, even repeating numbers can form patterns or stress the messages that the number + suit element meaning may signify.
I hope all of this makes sense.. 😀
I keep getting a Paige card when I ask about a certain person in my life..
Hmmm.. Pages often describe people who approach things in a very naïve, or immature way. Is that ‘certain person’ like that?
I keep on getting prince of summer (from the fairy tarot deck of doreen virtue) i am not sure whats it trying to tell me. Is it my past or future?
Honestly, I don’t know either… But the card could be talking about someone in your life whose personality is like the Prince of Summer. Do you know someone like that? The reason I’m saying this is because Court Cards are People Cards.
Whenever you see a card / cards that repeat, see the meaning and the context, and see where it applies in your life…
Hope this was helpful..
Thanks so much for your quick response! Actually I was doing readings for myself to see if starting an new life path was the right thing to do. Such as looking for a new job and move closer to my family. I was trying to figure out if that path would prove to be the right one at this time or should I hold out for some time. Thanks I love your site by the way!
Aha! So the card was a wake up call for you! It was coming along and telling you to let go of the old path and start out on a new one!
I am so glad I could be of help.. 😀 All the best of luck for the changes in your life Lara!
Thanks for your positive comments about my site too! Hugs!
Hi, I am very new to this. I constantly have drawn the judgement card. I recognize that this card is trying very hard to send me a message but I am not sure what it is. Thanks so much in advance 🙂
Hmmm… Judgement is a very interesting card to be getting repeatedly. Judgement is a wake up call – it alerts you to the thing or people in your life that have run their course and are now ready to be gone. What or who is it in your life that matches this description? What kind of hints or messages about people or situations like that have you been ignoring or looking away from?
Pay attention to the things that you’ve been holding on to, or ignoring to let go of.
I hope this helps…
Does it mean anything about a certain Capricorn in your life? My spouse is a Capricorn. And ty for your response.
🙂 You are welcome!
It could. And yes, it is quite a coincidence about your spouse too! 🙂
This card is pretty tricky. Like I said before, it can talk about good and bad stuff, both at the same time.
Let me see now. The Devil.
Pros: Money comes. You get a job. You get into a relationship. Lots of good, fun sex – even a bit kinky stuff if you like that sort of thing. Relationships solidify.
Cons: Money becomes your master. Your job owns you now. You are only in it for the money, be it the job or the relationship. You are tied into a relationship that may be stifling you. Addiction to sex/porn, or drugs, or both.
See what I mean… This is the card where the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ intertwine in tricky ways.
If you get into the energies of The Devil within a certain limit, then you can totally benefit from it. The question is: how do you decide where to draw the line? And more importantly, in which parts and how far into it have these energies already shown up in your life?
On and offline when given a reading the devil card keeps coming up as one of the cards I select in each time. I’m trying to decipher exactly if this message is positive, negative, or both perhaps.
The way I see it, The Devil card is both positive and negative. Now, depending on the situation that you are going through, it may come up and give you the message. Sometimes for one situation, sometimes for another. It will all depend on the situation where and when it comes up in the spread.
P.S. It is also the Capricorn card, which is my sun sign. And it also stands for the Shadow Archetype. The thing is that personally I kinda like the card for a bunch of reasons.
For the first time today high PRIESTESS twice in one reading
Very interesting! The High Priestess is all about contemplation and waiting for the right time to use her knowledge.
What is out that you are thinking of? What’s on your mind that is talking so long to implement? What secrets are you hiding? Are you studying something in secret?
These are the sort of things that come to mind…
What do you think?
Hey! Quite interesting this.
I was doing some love readings for myself lately and the cards weren’t just fitting together. Everything felt wrong. And 7 of swords kept appearing. And I thought, with sadness, “OK, so the guy is not that into to me”. A few days ago, I found out someone was stealing from my mother.
And 7 of swords kept reappearing everytime.
Wo! Isn’t it interesting how that happens – a card popping up repeatedly in a totally unconnected reading!!
Love how that happens!
Thanks so much for sharing Ana.
i was not playing tarot cards, but just regular cards with a friend. i kept drawing the ace of hearts. a lot of really strange, unexplainable things started happening too ever since that first night. for a while i was scared, but i’m used to it now. please trust me we were both freaked out, but i have good reason to believe the ace of hearts has significant meaning for me. i have no idea where to turn for help. any ideas?
i would also like to add they were not trick cards and it has happened on different decks as well. thanks for reading!
Hi Jen,
The Ace of Hearts corresponds to the Ace of Cups in the Tarot deck. That card (Ace of Cups) stands for all sorts of situations where emotions are all over the place. This can be in both very happy and very sad or very emotionally moving situations. That card can come up in those type of situations.
Based on what you’ve written, maybe you had experiences that evoked those kind of heavy-duty emotional responses from the situations? I can only guess at this point, but the Ace of Cups can often show such scenarios occurring.
And yes… When a card comes up repeatedly, its like the cards are telling you to pay attention to that point more and more.
Hope this helps.
I’m not sure if this post is still active, but I seem to be repeatedly getting the Emperor card in questions involving a particular person. I am curious, as my intuition suggests that this person has traits of the Emperor. But my second guessing of myself (reading for myself is always a bit tricky) has me wondering if it’s popping up constantly for another reason?
I would say trust your intuition. The first thought is always correct.
However, if you still have doubts, look at your life objectively. Do you feel that you are lacking the Emperor traits (ie Discipline, hard work etc) in your life? If so, then along with your intuitive reaction, the repeating Card could also be giving you that message.
Thank you, it’s all rather confusing. I pulled the lovers card as well the day after I posted this. It’s almost like the cards are making fun of me for turning to them so frequently lately! Another repeated card is strength. I’m finding it quite frustrating as I’m convinced he’s my soulmate but he’s being reluctant to sort things out. I’m unsure whether to give up or stay determined (devil reversed this morning!) Previous cards prior to this blip have been the ten of cups and other happy cards. Men! Thanks again. Xx
Doesn’t the Devil Reversed also tell one to free oneself from the bonds?
Just my 2¢s… 🙂
I’ve repeatedly had the two of cups lately in a love/partner related question. The thing is, we’re practically at the point of breaking up. So why this repeated card? Intrigued.
It is certainly interesting… The 2 of Cups is all about relationships – especially, the beginnings of the relationships.
What was it that brought you closer? What was the beginning of your relationship like? Perhaps the cards are trying to tell you to re-create those times / days / feelings?
Maybe the cards want you to recall those times – perhaps some clues to why you guys are this point in your relationship may be found in those memories?
What does your intuition tell you when you see that card? Pay attention to that – that intuition will guide you towards the right approach.
Try meditating on the 2 of Cups for more guidance and help.
The fool card has come up in 3 separate readings and I’m trying to figure out what its trying to tell me
Hmm… Maybe, something to do with new beginnings perhaps? That is the basic message of the Fool card, right?
Very interesting! I just took those repeat cards as a sign that their particular message was important and the main message … however, you have gone far deeper. Thank you for your insights!
Yes, repeating cards do signify that their particular message is important, but yes, it does go far deeper than that… 🙂
Thanks Gina! I am glad that you liked it.. 🙂