Doing readings with the Tarot Cards is an amazing and insightful experience. However, there are many other cartomancy systems apart from the Tarot that can and do provide you with deep and insightful readings. Combining Tarot with other cartomancy systems is, therefore, just as possible, and it can create an awesome and insightful Card Reading experience for the client.
Each system of cartomancy (kinda just like each Tarot Card Deck) has its own voice and flavor. Each system gives you a different perspective on the situation or question that you’ve asked about. And when each perspective is different, you end up with a look at your scenario from various different angles and receiving your answers from different sources.
So it makes complete sense to combine and use more than one cartomancy system to look at a specific question, and get multiple points of view on the same situation before you can look at the answer in itself.
Combining Tarot + Tarot = Super Win!
A long time ago, I wrote a blog post about Doing a Reading with Two or More Tarot Card Decks. In that post, I discussed the methods and advantages of doing readings with more than 1 deck.
In fact, I recently even made a video where I discussed how to choose the decks, and then even went ahead and did a bunch of example readings.
You can clearly see that each deck adds value to the reading and the spread, and giving us additional information about the spread position. Eventually, this enhances the spread that we’ve pulled, and we as the readers / clients are the ones that benefit the most from such readings.
Combining Tarot + Lenormand = Win, Win!
I’m writing about combining these two systems because that’s what I do. I learned reading with the Lenormand Cards a couple of years ago, and I ended up combining these two systems to look at the client’s question, and got such insightful answers.

Back in the day, people used playing cards for divination purposes. Lenormand cards are one of the many versions in which this took a more popular form. Most of the (good) Lenormand decks either show a playing card insert, or have the name of the playing card included within the card image. And the meanings of many of these cards even originate from the original cartomancy system!

Personally, I found the system to be very linear and bound within certain ‘grammar-’ and ‘syntax-’based rules, if you will. And my Tarot-trained brain took a while to come around to this way of reading cards. But when I was able to get over the mental hump, I realized that I’d uncovered a veritable treasure trove.
The readings from the Lenormand cards were succinct, to-the-point, and very straightforward. Combining them with the Tarot Cards was the best way to give more value to my clients, brining in a deeper and a more direct point of view to their readings.
Combining Tarot + Other Cartomancy Systems = Awesomeness Unlocked!
Similar to the Lenormand, there are other systems of divination that also evolved from playing cards. These include Kipper and Gypsy Cards.
At this point, I haven’t learned how to read with these systems, but they also add a layer of valuable meaning into the reading, very much like the Lenormand Cards. Readers who do use these systems either along with the Tarot Cards or by themselves, swear by the accuracy and depth of meaning that comes through with these systems. I get the feeling that it is very similar in texture to the Tarot + Lenormand readings that I do, except of course, each system of divination brings in its own voice and approach to the reading.
And, I promise to update this section when I learn these systems. ?
Combining Tarot + Oracle = Win + Guidance
Oracle cards usually have cards with images that pertain to a specific theme. These could just be single objects or images, or they could include an entire scene. The meanings or interpretations of these images / objects / scenes is usually left to the imagination of the reader.
Occasionally, the deck may include a booklet with meanings, but that only serves to get you started. Some decks may also have keywords, or messages written upon the cards. These serve as guides or messages that add value to the reading.

Oracle cards usually don’t have a set system of interpretation. You can lay the spread, and read them in any way that makes sense to you. Several Tarot Card Readers use these just like they would use their Tarot Cards.
Combining these with the Tarot Cards, you get a layer of meanings that add a ton of value. The guidance that usually comes through these Oracle cards is usually unique and esoteric — it all depends on the theme of the Oracle deck.
In Conclusion…
All in all, I think a Tarot Card Reading definitely benefits from partnering up with itself, and any other system of divination. This adds in a lot of value and perspective into the reading — ultimately benefitting the client, and helping her with the answers that she is seeking.
Your Thoughts…
What do you think? Did I miss out on any system or combination? Let me know…
Do you use your Tarot Cards in combination with other Tarot Card Decks, or other divination systems? What has your experience been like? Which combination do you prefer, and why? Please, do share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.
- Interpreting Imagery Differences in Rider-Waite-Smith Based Tarot Card Decks
- How to Interpret Positive Cards in a Negative Position and Negative Cards in a Positive Position in Spread
- When is the Best Time to get a Tarot Card Reading
- The Significator, Shadow, Clarifier, and Jumper Cards in a Tarot Card Reading
- Tarot Cards with Similar Meanings but Subtle Differences
- Framing Tarot Card Reading Questions
- Reading Tarot Cards For Yourself
- Reading Tarot Cards For Your Friends and Relatives
- Reading Tarot Cards for Total Strangers
- The Power To Say ‘No’
- When Clients Don’t Believe Your Tarot Card Reading
- What You Can Learn From A Tarot Card Reading
- How To Increase The Accuracy Of Your Tarot Card Reading
- Doing a Tarot Reading With Two or More Tarot Decks
- Combining Tarot Readings with Other Cartomancy Systems