by Madhavi Ghare | Tarot, Knowledge, Mythology, Major Arcana, Rider-Waite-Smith, Symbolism, Tarot in Real Life |
One of the key Hermetic Principles is: As Above So Below. I was thinking about the state of our world and then I remembered this principle, and I began to wonder.
The world has always been a mess. It is a mess that we human beings have created and kept on escalating to even bigger and higher levels of messy. According to the concept of “As Above So Below”, then it also means that this mess just got way more messier!
As always, I use my Tarot Cards to help me make sense of this mess. Let’s explore these thought processes, shall we!
by Madhavi Ghare | Knowledge, Mythology |
The myth of Isis and Osiris is an immortal story of love, betrayal and revenge. And several images / symbols that relate to this egyptian myth find their way on the images of the Tarot cards. Today, let’s have a look at the myth of Isis and Osiris.
by Madhavi Ghare | Knowledge, Mythology
The Chariot card in the Tarot deck is often linked to the story of Oedipus, a Greek Myth about a king who fulfilled a gruesome prophecy by killing his own father and subsequently marrying his own mother. Sigmund Freud has also immortalized this story by coining the words ‘Oedipus Complex’ to define an unconscious desire within the mind of a boy to kill his father and marry his mother.
by Madhavi Ghare | Knowledge, Mythology |
Hidden within the different symbols of the High Priestess card is the story of Persephone. Drawn from Greek Mythology, this story is a fascinating look into the hidden depths suggested by the High Priestess card. Today lets look into this story, and understand its connection with that card and its symbols.