Learning the Lenormand Card meanings is an important step in the process of learning how to read the Lenormand Cards. ?? Previously, I’ve introduced the Lenormand system, and we’ve figured out how to go about buying your first Lenormand Deck. The next step, naturally, is to learn the meanings of these 36 cards. 

Before you start learning the card meanings, you’ll most probably want to learn the card names in their sequence.

Lenormand Cards: The Sequence

Unlike the Tarot Cards, there is absolutely no logic to the sequence of the Lenormand cards. Really. If any system may be looked into, perhaps there may be a connection with the playing card meanings. Perhaps.

What I Did to Learn the Lenormand Card Sequence

I work very well with images and stories. So I sat with the cards and created a story in my head that had the card symbols come in a sequence, creating a nonsensical story in the process. But that’ somehow, helped me remember the card sequence. Maybe, that may help you too…

The Rider brings news about a lucky break with Clover, a Ship that was traveling and carrying the stuff for the House where I could stay. Right behind the house is a big healthy Tree, but sometimes the Clouds obscure it from the view. That’s why I couldn’t see the Snake who betrayed me, and I ended up feeling dead inside, like I was in a Coffin. They came to lay a Bouquet on that coffin, happy in their success. But I took a Scythe and cut it into pieces. Then I pulled out my Whip and angrily argued my point. They chattered at me, like Birds gossiping and making unnecessary noise. But I wasn’t a little Child anymore. I had become smart, a cunning Fox, and I stood my ground and protected myself like a Mama Bear protects her cubs. The Stars were shining in the sky, and I felt my spirits lift up like a Stork taking off to the skies, transforming everything, making everything better. That was when I realized, that I had loyal friends, just like my pet Dog, who were sincere and trustworthy, no matter what. I didn’t have to lock myself up in the ivory Tower of loneliness, I could step out into the company of such awesome people in the Garden. Hurdles will always show up in life, like Mountains on the Paths of life, but we must make the right choices based on our experiences. Sometimes our losses guide us, eating away at our trust like Mice gnawing at grain. And sometimes our Heart guides us, encouraging us with love and hope and all things good. And so, I wore my Ring, promising myself that I’d respect the wisdom of my intuition. These lessons weren’t gained from Books, but from experience. So I sat down, and wrote a Letter, documenting my thoughts about the relationship between the Man and the Woman who had put me through all this. As I wrote, I saw the Lilies finally start to bloom in my window sill — beauty and success that had finally arrived after such a long wait! The Sun shone bright in the sky, and the darkness perished in the light. And at night, the Moon glowed bright, drawing me to my life’s calling. This, right here, was the Key to my happiness. Be it the plentiful flow of Fish and resources and money, or the long-term stability that Anchors me to my joy, ultimately, it is my belief, my faith, my Cross that carries me through, which an either be my burden, or my guiding light.

Well, if you find it hard to recall the card sequence, don’t worry. Eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. And hopefully, the mnemonic above will help. ?☺️ 

Lenormand Card Meanings

The story also contained hints to the card meanings. Couldn’t resist, right? ?

The cards, like any other cards, have a number of meanings. So let me give you a quick run-down of these card meanings for each of the Lenormand cards.

  1. Rider: Good News, Messages, Active, the Other Man
  2. Clover: Lucky Break, Short / Quick Luck, Grassy Meadow
  3. Ship: Vehicle, Movement, Travel, Journey, Business, an actual Ship
  4. House: Security, Stability, Safe, Comfortable, Real Estate, an actual House
  5. Tree: Health, Steady Growth, Roots, Rooted, Family Tree
  6. Clouds: Confusion, Depression, Arguments
  7. Snake: Betrayal, Betrayer, Cheating, Confusing, Complicated, Pipes, the Other Woman
  8. Coffin: Ending, Box, Depression, Illness, Finished
  9. Bouquet / Flowers: Happiness, Joy, Success, Beautiful, Gift
  10. Scythe: Sudden, Curt, Cut, Accident, Cut Off
  11. Whip / Rod and Broom: Arguments, Back and Forth, Repetition, Exercise, Physical Activity, Violence, Rigorous Sex
  12. Birds: Discussions, Chatter, Verbal Arguments
  13. Child: New, Beginning, an actual Child
  14. Fox: Cunning, Clever, Sly, Employed Person, Workaholic, Job
  15. Bear: Boss, Bully, Mother Figure, Protective, Aggressive, Overbearing, Savings
  16. Stars: Fortune, Destiny, Fame, Positivity, Multiple, Internet, a Famous Person
  17. Stork: Transformation, Change, Relocation, Pregnancy
  18. Dog: Friend, Trustworthy, Loyal, Assistance or Help
  19. Tower: Lonely, Isolated, Old, Government, Big Organizations, Hospital, School, Prison
  20. Garden / Park: Society, Community, Social / Friends Circle, Get-Together, an actual Garden or Park
  21. Mountain: Hurdle, Delays, Obstacles, Enemy, Immovable Issues, Stubborn person
  22. Paths / Roads / Crossroads: Options, Decision, Choices, Pathways
  23. Mice: Loss, Anxiety, Deterioration, Theft / Thief 
  24. Heart: Love, Romance, Feelings, What You Love
  25. Ring: Promise, Deal, Contract, Going round in circles, Jewelry, an actual Ring
  26. Book: Wisdom, Knowledge, Information, Secrets, Hidden, Knowledgeable, an actual Book
  27. Letter: Communication, Documentation, News, Information, an actual Letter
  28. Man / Gentleman: The male querent, her partner, male person
  29. Woman / Lady: The female querent, his partner, female person
  30. Lily / Lilies: Success, Fertility, Faithfulness of Woman, an older man with white hair, Peace
  31. Sun: Success, Recognition, Good Fortune, Bright, Exposure (bring into the light)
  32. Moon: Fame, Recognition, Imagination, Intuition, Artistic, Emotional, One’s Calling, Pull / Drawn Towards, Work
  33. Key: Answer, Destiny, Connection
  34. Fish: Money, Resources, Flow, Commerce, actual Fish
  35. Anchor: Stability, Dependability, Regular, Rooted, Unmoving, Long Lasting
  36. Cross: Burden, Difficulties, Suffering, Faith, Belief, Religious, Place of Worship

Context Matters

You may have noted in the list above, that each of the Lenormand cards has multiple meanings. Therefore, the context of the question that has been asked carries a lot of weight in deciding which meaning becomes applicable. 

When looking for answers for a very specific question, make sure you hone in on the context related card meanings above all else.

While the system of reading Lenormand Cards may not rely on the contents of the card image, but the context of the question plays a huge role in the interpretation of the card symbol. And while this is true in every cartomancy-based divination system, it is especially true with the Lenormand.

Lenormand Learning Resources: Books, Courses, etc.

Of course, the list of meanings given above is a quick snapshot of the Lenormand Card Meanings. I learned a lot through books, videos, and an online course. So, if you wish to really add Lenormand Card Reading to your list of card-based Divination skill-set, then here’s a list of Lenormand learning resources that are simply brilliant!

  1. Tarot Tribe Beyond Words: This is Donnaleigh’s YouTube Channel, and it is a wealth of information about the Lenormand cards. She is amazing and brilliant and makes you feel super comfy with the cards. As of today, she has been in the process of bringing out a book where she shares her knowledge. I’ll be sure to add that into the list as soon as the book comes out! ?☺️ In the meantime, you can also follow her on FaceBook and learn!
  2. The Essential Lenormand by Rana George: A veritable bible of the card meanings, and card combinations, and spreads and what-have-you. This is the book to have in your Lenormand library. Pair it up with her Rana George Lenormand Deck, and you’ve got a win-win on your hands! You can watch my review of Rana George’s Lenormand Deck and Book on my YouTube Channel.
  3. The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook by Caitlin Matthews: Take your Lenormand reading skills to the next level under the expert guidance of Caitlin Matthews. You are in good hands with her, and you will learn how to look at the cards in-depth. You will discover the traditional methods of reading the Lenormand cards, which will most certainly enhance your reading skills.
  4. The Lenormand Course with Mary K. Greer: Last but not the least, learn with the expert on all things cartomancy: Mary K. Greer! Start off with the Course on Reading the Petit Lenormand Cards, and then move on to the Advanced Lenormand course. One by one, Mary unlocks the cards and their meanings and shows you the techniques for doing awesome Lenormand readings. You’ll be glad you took this course! 

For now, these are the books, videos, and courses that I’ve found to be helpful. If you have any that you want me to add to this list, please just drop a line in the comments section below! ? 

Your Thoughts…

What do you think? Did you like how I made the story to remember the Lenormand Card sequence? Do you have another method or story that you use? Do share it in the comments section below! 

Did the Lenormand Card meanings resonate with you? Are you excited to start your journey of learning the lovely Lenormand Cards! Talk to me… ?

Do you want to…

Do you want to learn the meanings and interpretations of these Lenormand Cards? 

Although it is a system of interpretation that is different from the Tarot, would you like to learn how to interpret these lovely Lenormand cards using different spreads to find the answers to your / your clients’ questions? 

If yes, then my Lenormand Basics course is just perfect for you!

Lenormand Basics

The Lenormand Cards are a set of 36 cards that pre-date the Tarot, and owe their origins to a combination of Tea Leaf Reading symbols, Playing Cards, and a card-based game called The Game of Hope. The name ‘Lenormand’ is actually the last name of Mme. Lenormand, a popular fortune-teller of 18th Century France, who read for big shots like Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon), Tsar Alexander I, and several French revolutionaries of the time, including Marat and Robespierre.

The style of reading the Lenormand cards is completely different from the Tarot, and yet, it plays very well with the Tarot. The Lenormand is a very practical, down-to-earth, and to-the-point fortune-telling system, and functions brilliantly as a stand-alone system.