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Learn Lenormand Reading Techniques & Skills

Learn Lenormand, and master the art of fortune-telling & divination that is practical, down-to-earth, and straightforward in a way that you may have never experienced before!

When you learn Lenormand, you will open up an interesting avenue of exploring life through the path of divination, by learning this unique language of symbols and syntax of spreads.

You can be a total newbie to Cartomancy (i.e. the art of divination using a pack of cards), or you could be someone who reads the Tarot or some other form of Cartomancy. The Lenormand cards are an excellent starting point for the total newcomer, and a brilliant skill addition to for practiced cartomancer.

Lenormand Cards

Lenormand Cards are a set of 36 Cards that were very popular in 18th century France. They pre-date Tarot, and in-fact many older Tarot reading techniques owe their origins to the Lenormand and other similar cartomancy systems of the time.

Lenormand Card Decks
The Lenormand is a system of divination that pre-dates the Tarot and owes its origins to a combination of Tea Leaf Reading symbols, Playing Cards, and a card-based game called The Game of Hope. The name ‘Lenormand’ is actually the last name of Mme. Lenormand, a popular fortune-teller of 18th Century France, who read for the bigwigs of the time, such as Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon), Tsar Alexander I, and several French revolutionaries including Marat and Robespierre.

Click here and check out my series of articles about the Lenormand System to know more about their colorful history, and how they are similar to & different from the Tarot!

The Lenormand Cards can offer you an interesting way to look at life and its patterns. Their very practical tone can help you see the sequence of events, cause-and-effect, in a very clear manner. Since their tone is direct, it may take a bit of an adjustment for someone coming in from a Tarot background. But the impact of their voice is tremendous!

The style of reading the Lenormand cards is completely different from the Tarot, and yet, it plays very well with the Tarot. The Lenormand is a very practical, down-to-earth, and to-the-point fortune-telling system, and functions brilliantly as a stand-alone system.

Learn Lenormand: Lenormand Basics

Lenormand Basics


Lenormand Basics

The Lenormand Basics Course is designed to help you create a strong foundation with the Lenormand Cards. This workshop will help you develop the basic techniques and skills needed to do a professional level Lenormand Card Reading.

This course is designed for people coming in from both, Tarot and non-Tarot backgrounds. This means, whether you are totally new to the world of cartomancy, or whether you are well-versed with any of the cartomancy-based divination methods, you can still learn Lenormand card reading!

This course is designed to give you a strong foundation with the Lenormand Cards, through 7 Live, Focused Sessions of 2 hours each. The course is conducted online, via the Skype Meetup platform, which is super convenient!

In the Lenormand Basics course, we will study 2 prominent Lenormand Card Decks:

  1. Rana George Lenormand Deck [Buy it Here]
  2. Gilded Reverie Lenormand Deck [Buy it Here]

While you may not want to buy both the decks for our class, it is necessary that you have at least 1 deck from this set. It would be awesome if you could buy both the decks!

As part of the Lenormand Basics course, you will receive:

  • Video Recordings of our Sessions (mp4)
  • Handouts for Card Meanings & Spreads (PDF)

The Lenormand Basics Course Contents are as follows:

  • Introduction to Lenormand (incl. Brief History of the Lenormand)
  • Meanings of the 36 Cards of a Standard Lenormand Deck
  • Extra Cards: Significance & Meanings (of the Extra Cards from our 2 Study Decks)
  • Lenormand Card Reading Basics: 2 & 3 Card Groups, Line of 5, Line of 7
  • Lenormand Reading Techniques: Mirroring, Knighting, Diagonals
  • Lenormand Spreads: Yes-No, Box, Cross

Throughout the class, we will practice readings as we start learning about them — so be prepared for hands-on sessions where you will be guided and supervised by me from the start to the finish! Gather a bunch of questions that you can bring to the class as well — because we are going to get real with our readings and our practice!

This Lenormand Basics course will give you a strong and firm foundation with the Lenormand system of cartomancy. You will even be able to use this system of doing readings in your professional practice if you are a professional Tarot Card Reader!


Write to me. Let me know your questions, queries, and doubts. I will try to help you as best as I can.

Briefly Tell Me About Your Queries...

15 + 15 =


Madhavi is a wonderful teacher with contagiously positive energy. She expresses the most complex aspects of the cards in the most simplest way.

A card can speak volumes through symbols, images, and mythological context. She explains all of that. Most importantly, she allows you to go beyond the textbook meaning of the cards and help you make your own story. This helps in building a lot of confidence as a Tarot Card Reader.

I am warning you that if you become a student of Madhavi, then be prepared to have a selfless friend in your life forever. 🙂

Astral Luck

Tarot Reader, Vedic Astrologer

Astral Luck's Website

Madhavi is such a wonderful teacher. She made sure that every class I took with her was not only very educational, but also interesting and fun.

Each day after my class was over I really felt like I had accomplished so much and had such a deeper understanding of Tarot.

Thanks to Madhavi's patience and knowledge, today I consider myself a self confident, and intuitive Tarot Card Reader.

Laura Gilmartin

Rockaway Beach, New York

I found Madhavi on Google as I was searching for a Tarot Reader. I was impressed with her blog. I had a reading done and I realized I wanted to take the class from her.

She was very friendly and down to earth as she taught me through Skype. There was never a hesitation to a question and she was always open and constructive. She was willing to work around my schedule as I have little children, and she was always available via other means of communication when necessary.

After taking the class I was very satisfied and would recommend her to anyone wanting to learn Tarot.

Lincy J.



The (Understanding Tarot Spreads) class was amazing. It was nice to go over the different tarot spreads that are out there, as there are several thousands of different types of spreads. It is sometimes hard to choose which spread will provide insight into a particular question.
Madhavi's class was excellent because not only did she teach the traits a quality spread should have, but she showed and provided techniques for us to create our own individual and unique spread.
At first, I was afraid to create my own spread, because there are already so many spreads available, so why not just use what's available already, However, I did create my spread and I am glad I did. It increased my confidence!
Now, when I am working with my clients, I often find that I am usually combining many spread techniques to help get to the answer my client is searching in one 1-2 spreads instead of doing multiple spreads. Also, when I want to use a spread that someone else created I am able to determine if it will be a good spread instead of doing a trial and error with the spread.
This class was amazing, I will recommend you to take the class if you want to learn more about spreads and how to create your own.

M. B.


Astrologer, Life Coach

Her Website

For many years, I dabbled in tarot and tried to learn on my own. Back in August, I decided I wanted to learn tarot enough to do it professionally. There were many options that were well-known, but some of them refused to deal with me.

I am totally blind, and they were mystified as to how a blind person would even read cards so several didn’t even return my calls. Many were also very long which I agree even when you take a course that does not take as long you must continue to study, but I wanted to get going quickly but still have a good grasp of the cards.

I ran across Madhavi’s page and while I could not find tons of forum or blog posts about her like you can with some programs, I contacted her. She was friendly, knowledgeable and more than willing to tackle the task of teaching a blind person tarot.

She adapted her style of teaching to my way of learning. Although she described the symbols to me, it was not the main focus like it is with some tarot courses.

To my amazement, I was able to get a job on a psychic hotline before I even finished the course. I now also provide readings by telling people on Facebook and advertising some on eBay. My hope is to have my own site up and running soon.

Madhavi has gone beyond the call of duty when teaching tarot and still provides support to me when I need it 3 months later. Thank you, Madhavi! If anyone is wanting someone honest, reliable and willing to take any learning situation, Madhavi is a wonderful choice. Most importantly, her knowledge of tarot is first-rate.

Eden Kizer


Eden's FaceBook Page

I attended the "Ask the Tarot Archetypes" 3-day class;  and it was the best tarot class I've ever taken.
The course taught me how to intimately engage with tarot cards. I was also taught new tarot spreads and how to blend oracle cards and tarot in a spread.
Madhavi Ghare is a great teacher. She's patient, knowledgeable, and passionate. I received a gem of information from Madhavi. I can't wait to take another class taught by her. She is an amazing teacher.

Tori O.

Madhavi, you are the best TAROT card reader and trainer and one of the most wonderful human beings I have come across in my life. I would sincerely like to thank you for all your help and accurate guidance when has not only helped me on my personal and professional fronts, but it has also helped me to change my perspective and make myself a better human being.

One exceptional quality which I noticed during readings is that you get into the minute details of the problem that the querant is facing and not only give the person answer to his problem but also guide, counsel and motivate the person to stand up firmly and achieve his goal irrespective of all adversity.

I consider myself privileged and fortunate to get the opportunity to learn from you.

Madhavi, you are simply excellent.


Amandeep Sikka

Pune, India

I had always wanted to learn how to read Tarot cards. So when I met and spoke with Madhavi, I found myself wanting to learn Tarot reading from her. And it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made!

Not only is Madhavi a wonderful Tarot teacher, but over the past few years, we have also become great friends. We have spent a lot of time doing a lot of readings together and I have learnt a lot from the hands-on approach she has with the cards.

With Madhavi’s guidance, I was not only able to become a professional Tarot card reader, but I also gained a lot of confidence to write articles about Tarot for a local newspaper and even participate in a Radio Show.

The cards have become an integral part of my life today, and it is all because of my wonderful Tarot teacher and friend, Madhavi.

Swati Kalbhor

Pune, India