Meanings for the Tarot cards are often derived from the pictures on the cards. Understanding of these pictures depends upon your understanding of the picture by itself, and of the different symbols (if any) present within the image. Many a times, all these things interact with each other to bring about the meaning of a card. Thus, it is evident that the meanings of these Tarot cards are also largely based on our perception of the image.
However, it is due to this inherent flexibility within our perceptions that it is possible to assign a particular meaning to a card. Of course, it follows that this assignment has to be logical. Let us look at how these things come about.
From Images to Meanings
The meanings of the Tarot cards are largely dependant on the images present on them.
For example, if you look at the image of the 3 of Cups card in the Rider-Waite imagery, you can easily deduce what the meaning of the card would be.
At first glance, we see three women raising their cups high in the air, obviously celebrating. We also see a bunch of flowers and fruit lying about them (by their feet). We can even see a cute little pumpkin. All of this signifies a ‘harvest’ time.
So, based on this, we can easily come to the conclusion that this card talks about celebrating the harvest – or rather a celebration of the rewards of hard work.
Of course, some more hunting around and we may stumble upon the fact that many consider these 3 women to be the 3 Muses. According to the Wikipedia Link, these 3 Muses could very well be Melete (Practice), Mneme (Memory) and Aeode (Song).
From Perceptions to Meanings
Now the same image can be analyzed from a perception point of view. This is naturally a very personal link that the image has to me.
Every time I get together with a bunch of my friends for a get together, some of them might end up having a few drinks. And when they do, they raise their glasses high in the air, clink them together and say “Cheers!” – pretty much like the ladies in the picture.
So, this picture could also easily signify a party or a get-together, but there is definitely some drinking involved.
Now, this interpretation, as I mentioned before, has a personal link to me and my life and my experiences etc. It could have different connotations for you.
Assigning The Meaning
So, taking the above interpretations in context, if I assign a meaning, say “excessive drinking” or “drinking binges” to the image, I wouldn’t be wrong vis-a-vis the purview of the meaning of the card.
Alternatively, I could also assign a meaning that says “celebration after a great success” to the image.
Naturally, the meaning fits within the image, but is kind of on the extreme angle of the basic meaning (both good and bad aspects).
Another Example
When I started out with the Tarot cards, I assigned a meaning of ‘Past Life or Karmic Connection’ to the Death card. So in some readings, the Death card would appear to me, and tell me exactly that meaning.
Over a period of time, my understanding of the Death card underwent a change, and I began to look at the Death card with the interpretation of ‘slow and gradual change where one thing ends and a new beginning is on the horizon’. And then, the card appeared in readings to give me the new meaning.
How This Works
Tarot cards, according to me, are a mirror of your inner self and concepts about the world around you. The cards will essentially speak to you in a language you understand, using images as the words. So naturally, the images will convey their meanings to you in a way that you can relate to them.
Therefore, if you do end up assigning a meaning to a card, you have already linked it with a personal interpretation of the picture – that often relates to a memory or a significant understanding of a particular event. Thus, when the cards want to tell you that meaning, they will appear in that fashion in a reading.
Your cards will always surprise you with the way they understand you. It isn’t some hokey sounding trick. But the reality is that the more time you spend with them, the more easier it becomes for you to understand your own inner self. That is why the assignment occurs in the first place, and that is exactly why the meaning and the assigned meaning will improve and / or change over a period of time.
Your Turn
Have you ever assigned a meaning to a card? Has a card had a personal link with you or your life or any incident(s) from your life which gave it a special meaning which was personal to you? And has that interpretation changed over a period of time? What was your overall experience like?
Do let me know in the comments below.