by Madhavi Ghare | Knowledge, Symbolism, Tarot, Thoth, Marseilles, Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Rider-Waite-Smith |
Our Decan Walk Journey begins with the 2 of Wands, which is associated with Mars in Aries. First, let’s explore the Astrological and Tarot aspects and then see how they show up in the imagery of the 2 of Wands Tarot Card.
by Madhavi Ghare | Tarot |
Astrology and Tarot are connected with each other. As many of you know, I have been flirting with astrology for some time now. Recently, I decided to learn it properly. I tend to view everything through the lens of Tarot, my first love. So, this year, I decided to embark on a journey, a “Decan Walk,” to understand astrology through the Tarot. Starting in March 2025 and continuing until March 2026, this year-long journey will help me learn and understand Astrology through the Lens of the Tarot. The plan is to learn the basics of Astrology through the connections between Astrology and Tarot.
by Madhavi Ghare | Knowledge, Major Arcana, Symbolism, Tarot
Death is the End. And it is NOT a bad thing.
My understanding of the Death card has evolved. Years of Readings and client feedback have taught me that the Death card means an Ending is unfolding. People in the Tarot world often declare the Death card to be about Transformation and Change. However, I say that the Death card is an Ending. The card hints at Changes, but those show up afterward. In The Death Card, what we experience is an ending. And that ending isn’t a bad thing at all.
by Madhavi Ghare | Knowledge, Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Rider-Waite-Smith, Symbolism, Tarot, Interesting
Characters with Male and Female Genders in the Tarot Cards are quite common. For a long time, I thought that this was merely the creative decision of the Designer of that Tarot Deck. However, as I worked with the cards over the years, this perception has changed. Today, I would like to talk a little bit about the Masculine or Male and the Feminine or Female Gender Characters in the Tarot Cards and what they have come to mean for me.
by Madhavi Ghare | Kabbala, Tarot, Tarot Card Decks, Knowledge
Did you know that there is a “correct” sequence of the four suits in a Tarot Deck? I didn’t either! Back in the day, I thought that the suits came packed in the order favored by the deck creator or publisher. In fact, I would order the suits in a way that I preferred: Wands, Swords, Cups, and Pentacles. Turns out I was wrong! There is actually a method to the madness! There is a very good reason why the sequence of four suits in a Tarot Deck is: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. And that reason lies within the basic structure of the Tree of Life in Kabbala. Let’s find out more, shall we?
by Madhavi Ghare | Tarot, Symbolism, Tarot in Real Life, Knowledge, Mythology, Major Arcana, Rider-Waite-Smith |
One of the key Hermetic Principles is: As Above So Below. I was thinking about the state of our world and then I remembered this principle, and I began to wonder.
The world has always been a mess. It is a mess that we human beings have created and kept on escalating to even bigger and higher levels of messy. According to the concept of “As Above So Below”, then it also means that this mess just got way more messier!
As always, I use my Tarot Cards to help me make sense of this mess. Let’s explore these thought processes, shall we!
by Madhavi Ghare | Numerology
The number Ten in the Tarot takes the energies of the previous number to the extreme and simply establishes into the material world. While the journey of the evolution of the numbers has culminated in the Nine, the number Ten is where we see those energies going one step further. The energy of this number is often connected with the number One and Zero. We see the number Ten show up prominently in each of the four suits of the Minor Arcana. Let’s see how the number Ten shows up in the Tarot Cards.
by Madhavi Ghare | Numerology
The number Nine in the Tarot brings all of the energies of the previous numbers to a point of culmination. The transformation from the spiritual to the tangible that took place in the number eight finally settles itself into something real over here. This is where we see the consequences of all the energies that were set into motion. Let’s take a look at how these energies of the number Nine show up in the various Tarot Cards.
by Madhavi Ghare | Numerology |
The number Eight in the Tarot depicts the next step in the process of energetic evolution that we have been studying so far. Where one tested one’s limits in the number seven, eight takes it to the next level and dissolves and transforms into something more tangible and real. Let’s see how this process is shown across the various Tarot Cards.