Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading

Order a Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading! ✨
Get 2X the guidance by Combining the Strengths of Lenormand and Kipper!💪🏼
A Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading is basically two Grand Tableaus side-by-side. Take a big picture look at what is going on in the various life areas and get to know what's going on! This Grand Tableau combo brings together the practical, no-nonsense message of the Lenormand cards and the relationships aspect of the Kipper cards. Together, you've got a very dramatic and colorful, yet practical and useful guidance that can help you navigate through various areas of life quite smartly!
See a 360-degree view of life within a specific period of time in your life. Let the Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading lay it all out for you in clear, concise terms.
Order a Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading and see all the interconnected aspects of your life, all laid out in two Grand Tableaus, side-by-side!
The Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading is the Complete Picture
Two Grand Tableaus laid out side-by-side, outline various aspects of your life -- and the drama has only begun!
Both of the standard Lenormand and Kipper decks have 36 cards. But the similarity ends there! While Lenormand was popular in France, Kipper was popular in Germany. Each system brings its own flavor to the reading. Lenormand gives a practical and clear message, and doesn't mince words. Kipper will tell you about the interconnected relationships that will influence everything in your everyday life. And when both these systems come together and overlap, well, you are the winner! You get to see so many layers of your life playing out in different ways!
Both systems bring their own flavor to the story. Lenormand is metaphorical, and Kipper is literal. Lenormand talks very specifically and precisely. Kipper is very interconnected and people-based.
In this reading you will get 2X of:
- An Overview of the energy vibe for Time Frame that you've chosen
- Information about your 4 Chosen Life Areas
- General Information for Each Month of your chosen time frame
- Anything else that is important for you to know, that may or may not be covered in your chosen life area
Questions You Can Ask in a Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau Reading
The Lenormand and Kipper Grand Tableau reading is perfect for you if you have a bunch of questions related to different Life Areas limited to a specific time period.
You will see all the layers unfold, and you can make informed choices. Be better prepared. And see stories and connections that may have eluded your view.
You’ll be prompted to choose your time frame and your 4 Life Areas when you’re filling out the Checkout form. If you can’t figure out more than two life areas, don’t worry. I will tell you all that I can see in the reading that stands out as important!