Kipper Grand Tableau Reading

Order a Kipper Grand Tableau Reading! ✨
A Kipper Grand Tableau reading is like taking a peek into your everyday life, and telling you about stuff that's going on around you. You can know about the various interdependent areas of your everyday life, including work and relationships, but from a very relationships and people-oriented point of view. All of this, of course, within a range of a specific time period. So if you want to know how various areas of your life are going to transpire within a fixed time period, then this is the perfect reading for you. As the name suggests, the Grand Tableau reading gives you a big-picture overview of the various life areas.
Order a Kipper Grand Tableau Reading and see all the interconnected aspects of your life, all laid out in a Tableau of cards specifically designed to tell you more!
The Kipper is a system of 36 cards that dates back to 19th century Germany. The name of this cartomancy system is attributed to famous Fortune Teller Frau Kipper, who resided in Bavaria. As with most of the cartomancy systems, the history is shrouded in mystery and lore. But this doesn't take away from the value that this system brings to the Reading table. Kipper readings are work really well with situational and relationship readings.
The Kipper Grand Tableau Reading Focuses on Relationships
The Grand Tableau makes use of all the 36 cards of a standard Kipper Deck, and tells quite the story!
The Kipper cards are all about the stories they tell. These are read directionally -- if a character on the card looks in a specific direction, then you need to follow where they are going. There's more intricacies to the system -- movement cards, stop cards, and connecting cards. The most prominent feature of a Kipper Card deck is the presence of several People Cards -- and this is why we see so much about relationships and the connected stories play out across various life-areas and contexts. Naturally, all of this adds a so many layers of dynamism to the story that the Kipper cards tell! And in a Kipper Grand Tableau spread, you can see it all connect and play out in colorful (and often dramatic) detail!
In this reading you will get:
- An Overview of the energy vibe for Time Frame that you've chosen
- Information about your 4 Chosen Life Areas
- General Information for Each Month of your chosen time frame
- Anything else that is important for you to know, that may or may not be covered in your chosen life area
Questions You Can Ask in a Kipper Grand Tableau Reading
The Kipper Grand Tableau reading is perfect for you if you have a bunch of relationship-based questions related to different Life Areas limited to a specific time period.
For example, if you want to know about the relationships that play out at work and affect your career over the next 6 months, then this is the perfect reading for you! You can also choose the Kipper Grand Tableau if you want to see how your romantic relationship plays out over the next year, and see the effect it has on various other areas of your life.
You’ll be prompted to choose your time frame and your 4 Life Areas when you’re filling out the Checkout form. If you can’t figure out more than two life areas, don’t worry. I will tell you all that I can see in the reading that stands out as important!